Chop 中文



v. (动词)

  1. 突然改变方向
  2. 突然改变主意
  3. 砍成,劈成,劈出
  4. 突然中断
  5. 切球
  6. 猛砍,猛剁,猛击
  7. 砍,劈,斩
  8. 切细,剁碎
  9. 降低,大量削减
  10. 终止,取消
  11. 变化无常,反复变化
  12. 对准…砍去
  13. 砍伐,伐倒(如树木)
  14. 砍掉,砍下,砍断
  15. 割断
  16. 猛然行动
n. (名词)
  1. 砍,剁,劈
  2. (拳击中的)切击
  3. 排骨,肋骨肉
  4. 商标
  5. 官印
  6. 切球,削球
  7. 品质,等级
  8. 嘴周围的地方
  9. (用拳头)猛击或用手劈


v. (动词)

  1. vt. & vi. 砍,伐,劈 cut by repeatedly hitting with a heavy sharp-ended tool, such as an axe
n. (名词)
  1. [C]带骨的肉块 a small piece of meat
  2. [C]剁,砍,劈 a quick short cutting blow with an ax or similar weapon



  1. the irregular motion of waves (usually caused by wind blowing in a direction opposite to the tide);

    "the boat headed into the chop"

  2. a small cut of meat including part of a rib
  3. a jaw;

    "I'll hit him on the chops"

  4. a tennis return made with a downward motion that puts backspin on the ball
  5. a grounder that bounces high in the air
  1. cut into pieces;

    "Chop wood"
    "chop meat"

  2. move suddenly
  3. form or shape by chopping;

    "chop a hole in the ground"

  4. strike sharply, as in some sports
  5. cut with a hacking tool
  6. hit sharply


  1. He chopped in with a sarcastic remark.
  2. She chopped the block of wood in two with a single blow.
  3. We had to chop a way through the undergrowth.
  4. You've got to chop up the pork before stewing it.
  1. The hunter cut off the animal's head with one chop of an ax.
  2. You've got to chop up the pork before stewing it.
  3. Chop garlic and ginger finely.
  4. The chop shopkeeper let the blood drip to the crops.


用作及物动词 S+~+ n./pron.

  1. They're chopping wood in the forest.
  2. I chopped a branch off the tree.
  3. We had to chop a path through the forest.
  4. Chop the onions then fry them in the oil.
用作双宾动词 S+~+ pron./n. + n./pron.
  1. He chopped me some wood.
  1. We're having lamb chops for dinner.
  2. She cut down the seedling with one chop.
  3. Our building plan got the chop; it was too expensive.


chop away (v.+adv.)

    砍倒 cause (especially a tree) to fall by chopping
    chop away

    I've been chopping away for half an hour but the tree is still standing.


chop down (v.+adv.)
    伐倒 cause (especially a tree) to fall by chopping
    chop sth ⇔ down

    We chopped down an oak tree.


chop up (v.+adv.)
    剁碎 cut into small pieces
    chop sth ⇔ up

    Those chunks of meat are rather large—could you chop them up a bit smaller?



~+名词 ~+形容词 ~+副词 ~+介词 动词+~ 名词+~


  • I'll hang you for going...You will, chops?

    出自:1 Henry IV , Shakespeare
  • They breake their bones, and chop them in pieces.

    出自:Bible (AV): Micah
  • I'll chop off your feet with these shears.

    出自: E. Crispin



v. (动词)

  1. chop的基本意思是“砍,伐,劈”“劈开,砍出”,引申还可表示“切细,剁碎”。用作及物动词时,后接名词或代词作宾语,有时还可接双宾语; 用作不及物动词时,其后常接副词away。


v. (动词)chop, carve, cut, hew, slash, slit

  • 这组词的意思相近,其区别是:
  • cut表示“切,割,砍”,泛指用带刃的工具去切、割、砍等,常带有副词,说明切、割、砍的方式或目的; hew 表示“砍,劈”,指挥起刀斧等较重的工具用力砍,被砍的东西往往较大、较重且难以处理,也指将东西凿成需要的样子; chop表示“砍,斩”,指迅速有力地劈开,或用连续的动作将东西砍碎、砍断; carve表示“切,刻”,指用专门的工具刻东西,或用快刀在桌上切肉成片; slit表示“切,割”,多指纵长的切割,侧重切开或割裂; slash表示“砍,斩”,指纵长挥砍,口子又长又深。例如:
  • He hewed down an oak.他砍倒一棵橡树。
  • They hewed a canoe out of a tree trunk.他们把一根树干劈成一条独木舟。
  • He's chopping the firewood.他正在劈柴。
  • He carved the wood into the shape of a bird.他把木头雕成一只鸟。
  • They slit his throat.他们切开他的喉咙。
  • She slit the envelope open with a knife.她用刀把信封裁开。
  • Some vandals had slashed the seat covers on the train.一些破坏公物的人把火车上的坐垫给划破了。
  • chop,cut,hack
  • 这些动词均有“切、砍”之意。
  • chop指用刀斧连续猛力砍某物,以便砍断、切碎。
  • cut普通用词,使用广泛。指用带刃工具的切、割、砍等的行动。
  • hack指粗暴地乱剪、乱砍、乱劈。
  • 词源解说

    • ☆ 直接源自古法语的choper;最初源自通俗拉丁语的cuppare,意为砍头。

    When issuing personal cheques, the customer can use signature, chop or both, all of which are deemed acceptable.

    客户在签发支票时使用签名、私人印章或签名加私印, 都视为可接受的签章。

    Please be reminded that the written

    [...] [...] notice or the Form returned must bear the company's authorised signatory(ies) (all authorised signatory(ies) as specified in the Board Resolution for limited company) with company chop and we shall process immediately.

    而閣下請注意來函或交回之表格,必須由獲授權之公司代表(如為有限公司,即董事會議決案內所有獲授權之公司 代表)簽署並蓋上公司印,以 便便生即時辦理。

    What we should be pushing for in future is to amend the Basic Law to at least not chop down this little right that we have because, Mr President, I see that in future as this Council becomes more representative, that it has more and more directly-elected Members that we would, of course, end up [...] [...]

    having to challenge the legitimacy of the executive.

    將來我們 應該爭取的,是修改基本法,最低限度不要剝奪我們手邊這少少的權利,因為,主席 先生,我認為將來本局變得越來越有代表性、有越來越多直選議員的時候,我們最終 究還免不了會質疑行政機關的法理㆞位的。

    For electronic form, if there was no digital


    signature, a scanned image of page 6 of the form

    [...] (Declaration with signature and company chop) should be sent together with the form.

    至於電 子表格,如沒有提供數碼簽署,則應連同表格第6頁的掃描圖像(附有簽署及公 司 印章的 聲明)一併交回。

    [...] responsibility for any payment made or transaction executed against the above documents, seal or chop before we have actually received such written notice and have reasonable opportunity to [...]

    本行對於任何在未收到該通知及本行未有足夠時間處理 前的基於上述文件或法團印章或圖章支付的款項或執行的交易不承擔任何責任。

    Dr. Yang received profound clinical

    [...] [...] training in the NICU and PICU of Bambino Jesu Hospital in Rome and then the Children’s Hospital of Philladelphia (CHOP) in the US during his stay in Beijing Children’s Hospital.

    杨明医生在北京儿童医院工作期间曾先后赴意大利Bambino Jesu儿童医院和美国费城儿童医院新生儿及儿童重症监护中心接受临床进修。

    The living and the dead, in sickness or on the nod, hooked or kicked or hooked again, come in on the junk beam and the Connection is eating Chop Suey in Dolores Street, Mexico D.F., dunking pound cake in the automat, chased up Exchange Place by a baying pack of People.

    那些活着的和死掉的、生病的或打盹的、套牢的或者生闷气的或者再次被套牢的人,进来得正是时候,他们的关联 是在墨西哥城的多洛雷斯街吃 炒 杂碎 ,在自助餐馆塞甜腻的蛋糕,在交易所被一群喧闹的人追查。

    The barbecue night offers diner the chance to enjoy delicacies such as Spiced Lamb Chop and Lobster Tail besides the azure pool.

    澳門悅榕莊全新推出豐富燒烤晚餐「星空下的燒烤派對」,逢週六晚上到悅濤廊,於舒適寫意的泳池邊享用烤香草 羊 脾 、烤 龍蝦等美味佳餚。

    (5) The responsible person then has to turn up at any one of the Road Cargo System

    [...] [...] Registration Centres with the invitation notice, his/her HKID card, the supporting documents such as authorization letter and certified true copy of Business Registration Certificate as listed on the invitation notice, and also company chop.

    (5) 負責人須帶同該邀請通知書、香港身份證、邀請通知書所列的證明文件,如授權信及商業登記證的經核證真確副 本及公司印鑑,親臨任何一間道路貨物資料系統登記中心辦理手續。

    25 skeptical cases with repetitive IP addresses were identified, they were examined in terms of their time-chop, nature of their outgoing website, and content of their submissions.

    研究組共確認了25個IP地址相同的個案,於考慮資料輸入的時間、網址類別及意見內容後,3個個案因回應內 容完全相同而被刪除。

    Not everything on Gentlemint is used to chop and slice, as they also examine the financially stratospheric market in checking out a Ferrari Italia and an IWC Siderale Scafusia Watch which costs [...] [...]

    more than twice as much as the Cavallino.

    也不是所有在 Gentlemint 上的東西都是用來砍砍殺殺 ,他們也會介紹法拉利和價格為義大利 Cavallino 兩倍的沙夫豪森萬國錶,以迎合豪奢消費市場。

    For this reason, although the subject of discussion today is not

    [...] [...] single-parent centres, even as we discuss IFSCs, I really hope that the Secretary can look back on the past and reconsider whether some of the work done by IFSCs can be reassigned and whether specialized centres can be established to solve specific problems, instead of adopting a "chop suey" approach by putting and frying everything together.

    所以,雖然今天的主題不是討論單親家庭中心,但在討論家庭服務 中心的同時,我真的很希望局長翻看以往的歷史,重新考慮可否將部分 家庭服務中心的工作撥出來,然後成立專門中心以解決專門的問題,而 不是像炒雜錦般,把所有東西放在一 堆, 炒作 一碟。

    The goods recipient is required to

    [...] sign and apply their company chop on the delivery note

    [...] Insurance Coverage (Form 7) to be completed with official chop of the OA.

    1) 填妥保險紀錄紙表格七(Form 7)並蓋上執行處章印

    Our younger son came down with a mysterious ailment in

    [...] [...] 1997 (we detailed the incident in the 1998 Thanksgiving issue of Ambassador Monthly, “The Scar of Grace”), and we went through five different doctors in New Jersey who couldn't diagnose the problem, we then transferred him to the Children's Hospital Of Philadelphia (CHOP), and many sisters prayed for him during a snow storm.

    1997 年, 小兒患奇症,(詳情登在使者 1998 年 11 月感恩月刊—恩典的記號)在紐澤西看了五個醫生, 無效之後 轉診賓州兒童醫院,一些姊妹冒著風雪為他禱告,從這些姊妹 身上, 深深感受主的愛,這樣的愛永銘不忘,願主厚厚的獎賞 她們的愛。

    [...] error amplifier will then supply the proper information to a pulse width modulator (PWM), which will chop the DC supply voltage to the motor.

    误差放大器的输出信号控制PWM调制,产生占空比,根据占空 比大小调节直流电源的电压来控制电机的转速。

    Chop the carrot, celery, red pepper and red bell pepper.

    Company chop as well as a copy of the signatory(s)' identity document(s) (front and reverse side [...] [...]

    be appended to the application.

    同时,须附上签署人的身份证明文件影印本 (正面及反面影印在同一版)。

    Hold measuring cup firmly while operating

    [...] [...] the Thermomix TM 31 at medium (3 – 6) and higher (7 – 10) speed levels or pressing turbo button to chop or to purée cold food.

    當使用 TM 31以中速(3-6)、高速(7-10)或渦 輪加速來切碎或絞 碎冷凍食物時,請按緊量杯。

    [...] the apples into small portion. The smaller you chop, the easier it will going to get cook


    A research group led by Professor Hideki Katagiri, Assistant Professor Junhong Gao and Associate Professor Yasushi Ishigaki at Tohoku University Graduate


    School of Medicine has revealed that C/EBP

    [...] Homologous Protein (CHOP) induction in response [...]

    to endoplasmic reticulum stress is


    involved in a novel molecular mechanism for arteriosclerosis acceleration.

    东北大学研究生院医学系研究科代谢疾病医学核心中心・片桐秀树教授、高俊弘助教、分子代谢病态学专业・石垣 泰副教授等的小组阐明了作为动脉硬化发病的新型分子机制,由内质网压 力 引 起的 CHOP 的 诱 导的 相关 性。

    Other than its famous Milk Tea and Salted


    Chicken, the Macau Da Yuan Ding Taiwanese Food and Beverage Speciality Shop is

    [...] also known for its special Pork Chop Buns.

    澳門大玩町台式飲食專門店,除了波霸奶茶和盬酥雞出名 外 , 其 豬 扒 包 亦 非常 出色。

    Among Formcrete’s products are hole-forming devices, pipe-shaping rings and locomotive door assemblies, produced through resin transfer and chop spray / open contact molding.

    在Formcrete的产品中,有成孔装置、成管环状装置和机车门组件,这些都是用树脂传递工艺、喷射工艺 或开模手糊工艺制造出来的。

    When you finally do crack that bottle, make sure it has a worthy counterpart on the table: legendary master Chef Charlie Palmer suggested to us “a grilled veal chop with roasted porcini mushrooms and caramelized leeks,” while the sommelier Rajeev Vaidya of New York City’s famed Restaurant Daniel recommends “a classic dish from Daniel’s repertoire, [...] [...]

    a Duo of Beef: braised short ribs and the iron-rich flavors of the Wagyu tenderloin.

    最后在餐桌上开瓶享用时,一定要搭配与之相称的美食:著名主厨查理•帕尔默(Charlie Palmer)推荐与“烤牛排、烤牛肝菌菇、焦糖韭菜” 搭 配; 纽约 著名餐厅Daniel的侍酒师Rajeev Vaidya推荐搭配“Daniel菜单中的招牌双人份牛排:炖排骨和富含铁的和牛里脊肉”享用。

    The organization must provide the RA correct and photocopies of relevant proving documents (such as company update registration card and legal institution

    [...] [...] registration certification) issued by the competent government department or legal licensing unit (such as the court) and the photocopies must have the chop of the organization and the chop of the responsible person (the identical chop used at registration of the organization) and the RA would verify the application information provided by the organization.

    組織必須提供註冊窗口正確且經主管機關或合法授權單位(例如 法院)核發之相關證明文件影本(例如公司變更登記事項卡、法人登記 證書),證明文件影本應蓋用組織及負責人之印鑑章(與組織登記時 所使用之印鑑章相符),註冊窗口將核對組織所提供之申請資料。

    At the bottom right hand corner, a space is left for the company chop (a type of seal) and the authorised signatures.

    ( a ) 標 準 的 公 司 支 票 比 個 人 支 票 稍 大 , 並 印 有 一 些 額 外 字 眼 , 其 右 下 角 則 留 有 空 位 以 蓋 上 公 司 圖 章 ( 一 種 印 章 ) 及 讓 獲 授 權 人 簽 署 。


