Dragon boat festival 中文

端午節快樂Happy Dragon Boat Festival




端午節的英文:Dragon Boat Festival、Double Fifth Festival(端午節在農曆五月五日,又稱雙五節/五日節/五月節)

端午節的的英文拼音:duān wǔ jié,所以有人直譯成「Duanwu Festival」。

粽子的英文:Rice dumpling、sticky rice dumpling


竹葉的英文:Bamboo leaves

包粽子的英文:Pack rice dumpling



屈原的英文:Qu Yuan


祭拜祖先的英文:Pay respect to ancestors

敬拜神明的英文:Worship God

甜辣醬的英文:Sweet chili sauce

划龍舟比賽的英文:Dragon boat race

香包的英文:Sachet、Fragrant sachet、Perfumed medicine bag

艾草的英文:Mugwort、Artemisias、Asiatic Wormwood


雄黃酒的英文:Realgar wine

立蛋的英文:Egg Balancing、Stand the egg on its end



舉辦端午節活動的歷史已經有 2,300 年的歷史了,有一些關於端午節的英文我們較為知道,像是滑龍舟的 Drogan Boat,這篇文章即將帶領大家認識除了划龍舟之外,如何用雙語(中文+英文)來認識這個華人的傳統文化節日囉。

The Dragon Boat Day origins some 2,300 years ago, Besides the dragon boats races in every year, we will show you how we celebrate this holidy. Let’s check and look!



The Dragon Boat Festival is a traditional holiday which occurs on the 5th day of the 5th month of the traditional Chinese calendar. It is also referred to in some English sources as Double Fifth Festival which alludes to the date as in the original Chinese name.There are few different theories about the origins, and there’s a common “dragon boats.” . One of the main saying, why do we still celebrate Dragon Boat Festival ? Pray to GOD from river for peaceful . Some other origins all begin in summer times, you may heard of Qu Yuan, Wu Zixu. no matter their stories are true or not. In Taiwan, we celebrate this day like a holiday. ( Because it’s a  traditional Chinese holiday, and we took off one day) .


2022 年的端午節一樣是農曆的五月五日,國曆則每天都不同但都會放假一日,2022 端午節 3 天連續假期是在 6/3(五)- 6/5(日)。如果你是上班族,就有一個三天連假囉,如果今年端午節有訪客、送禮的想法,請記得要提早規劃唷!


祝賀親友端午節快樂,中文我們有很多方式說,可以參考這篇文章。至於要跟一個不熟悉華人文化的外國人說明,你可以用最大眾的 Happy Dragon Boat Festival. 來表示,或者是 Have a good time in Dragon Boat Festival、Enjoy the holiday 都是滿親民的說法。



  • 粽子:Zongzi / Sticky Rice buns

A notable part of celebrating Dragon Boat Festival is the making and eating zongzi with family members and friends.

  • 划龍舟:Dragon boat racing

Dragon boat racing has a rich history of ancient ceremonial and ritualistic traditions, which originated in southern central China more than 2500 years ago.

  • 雄黃酒:Realgar wine

Realgar wine or Xiong Huang wine is a Chinese alcoholic drink that is made from Chinese yellow wine dosed with powdered realgar, a yellow-orange arsenic sulfide mineral also known as “rice wine”.

  • 五彩絲 / 五色線:5-colored silk-threaded braid

In some regions of China, parents braid silk threads of 5 colors and put them on their children’s wrists, on the day of the Dragon Boat Festival. People believe that this will help keep bad spirits and diseases away.

  • 香包:Scented sachets

People will carry scented sachets to protect themselves from evil.

  • 立蛋:Egg balancing

At noon, people will balance eggs, which is also meant to bring good luck for the coming year.


有華人在的地方就會慶祝端午節,即使在西方國家:美國、英國,也會在當地舉辦活動。而慶祝的方式以「賽龍舟」、「吃粽子」、「立蛋」這三項活動為主,其中的賽龍舟更是世界國際大賽,來自世界各地的划龍舟好手(當地的警察、消防員、學生)齊聚一堂一同比賽。(因為 COVID-19 疫情關係 2022 年可能會取消龍舟國際賽事)。

About a week after the festivals in Hong Kong, special International Dragon Boat Races are held all over Asia and the United States. In the U.S., they can be found in Boston, New York, and Colorado. Currently, there are 68 countries which are members of the International Dragon Boat Federation, showing the popularity of the race.

The dragon boat festival is a fun, boisterous holiday. In most parts of China, the weather is quite good at this time of year, and people congregate outside on the banks of rivers and lakes to enjoy the fine weather while watching traditional dragon boat races.

端午節的 hashtag,哪種比較多人用?

拍了美美的端午節照片,想要上傳在 Instagram 上,挑選符合節慶的 hashtag 可以讓更多人知道你!在這邊推薦幾個大家喜歡用的端午節 hashtag 喔!記得前面要加上井字號 #,你就可以用照片和全世界一同慶祝端午節了

  • #端午節(最多華人使用)
  • #端午節快樂
  • #端午の節句(日本習俗使用)
  • #dragonboat(滑龍舟必備)
  • #dragonboatfestival
  • #dragonboating
  • #粽子
  • #zongzi

2022 端午植物系禮盒:用自然款待最重要的你


2022 年端午節有肉推出了全新的「植物禮盒」,結合了多肉植物+端午節限定造型盆器,也有美味的台灣甜品聯名,一份雙重好禮的端午饗宴。



有肉 SUCCULAND | 植品設計 | 02-27017257 | 台北市大安區四維路 76 19 1


