
商务英文邮件的写法讲究多多,结尾的问候语在不同场合也应使用不同的字眼。福布斯职场专家苏珊·亚当斯和礼仪顾问莱特为我们总结了以下邮件结尾(email sign-offs),并附上了用法解释。


This is the most ubiquitous; it's totally safe. I recommend it highly and so do the experts.

My Best

A little stilted. Etiquette consultant Lett likes it.

My best to you

Lett also likes this one. I think it's old-fashioned.

All Best


All the best

This works too.

Best Wishes

Seems too much like a greeting card but it's not bad.


I know people who like this but I find it fussy. Why do you need the extra "s"?

Best Regards

More formal than the ubiquitous "Best". I use this when I want a note of formality.


Fine, anodyne, helpfully brief. I use this.


I used to use this but stopped, because it's trying too hard to be abbreviated. Why not type three more letters? OK if you're sending it from your phone.
我过去常用这个但是现在没用了,缩写太过了点。为什么不多写几个字母?如果是用手机发邮件的话,这个OK 。

Warm Regards

I like this for a personal email to someone you don't know very well, or a business email that is meant as a thank-you.

Warmest Regards

As good as Warm Regards, with a touch of added heat.
跟Warm Regards一样好,且更增添了一丝温暖。


I use this often for personal emails, especially if I'm close to someone but not in regular touch.


This is a nice riff on the "warm" theme that can safely be used among colleagues.
这是一个关于 “warm” 主题很好的结尾,在同事之间使用很安全。


�����װ������ѣ����ǵ����ǵ�Լ�����ҳ�ŵ��һᾡ���������ż���β�����Ƿ��������������ּ����ˣ���ĺܿ��ģ��й��о�Ż����С���ʼ���ա����������Ǽ�Ȼ����Ư���Ŀ�ͷ����ȻҲ��������һ�������㾦�Ľ�βѽ��������������һ����������д���ҵ�ʮ�˷��ʼ��Ľ�β(closing statements)����ҷ����������˼�Ҫ�ķ��������ۣ�����ɫ������ֵ�û��������Ĵʻ�;��͡���ϵ�ϣ������ܴ��������ջ�

����1. OK, I'd better quit now

����so you don't have to spend the whole day reading my message��

����I look forward to hearing more from you��

����Take care��


�����ҵ�����ÿ�θ���д�ʼ����ǡ�����ֱ����ǧ�ߡ��������ڲŷ�Ӧ����ԭ���ҵ��Ķ�������������ѵ�������ģ�)����˵ʵ�����Һ�ϲ��������д�Ķ�������д�Ķ���ȷʵͦ��Ĭ���Ҿ���һ�������ڵ���ǰһ�߶��ʼ�һ�߹�����Ц������˵so you don't have to spend the whole day reading my message˵�����ܡ����¡��ң����Բ�˵�����뿪�ˣ�Ҫ��Ȼ��һֱ��ôд��ȥ����һ����ҲʲôҲ�������ˣ�����ʼ��ˡ���ʵ�Ҿ��������Ľ��������Ѿ�û��ԭ����ζ���ˣ������û�����Ӣ�ĵ�˼άȥ������е���Ĭ�ɣ�

����2. That's all I can think of for now.  I'll close with another email hug.  Take good care of yourself��


��������˵�����д���������ô�����أ���Ȼ����һ��email hug hug��ӵ������˼����������email hug Ӵ����ô����������ɣ�

����3. I really enjoy conversing with you, and it will be fun to talk more often��

����Take care, and good luck��


�����ڽ�β�������̸���ܿ��ģ�����enjoy conversing with �� converse ����ʴ��Ӧ�ú�����ɣ�������������conversation�Ķ��ʣ���������ƽʱ�õ��٣��������ǵö�ѧѧnative speaker�ĵص��ôʰ���)

����4. I look forward to hearing from you again.  Best wishes in your job search, and best wishes to you and your family��

����Warmest regards,


��������һ���ܳ���Ľ�β�����������õ�ףԸ������Warmest regards�����ڿα��Ϻ���ѧ����Ӵ��һ������ֻ֪��Best wishes ������Best regards��

����5. I guess I will quit writing now.  I look forward to hearing from you again very soon. 

����Best wishes,


������һ�ο�����quit, Ӧ�ò�İ���ˡ�ѧ����ô�����������Ҫ��β�˾Ϳ���˵quit writing��

����6. Please write again soon. 

����Best wishes,




����I wish you the very best in the coming year.  I will talk to you more soon��



����8. I need to get to work, so I'll write more later.  I look forward to hearing from you again soon. 


����look forward to doing �������dz���Ҫ������Ҫ�Ǻ�ʵ�ã����Һܳ��á�

����9. OK, that's all for now.  I've got to get some things done before going to work with Santa again today.  I'll talk to you soon. 



����10.I guess that's all for now.  I hope you will write again soon.  Hearing from you is always a highlight of my day��

����Take care!


������һ��I guess�Եú���Ȼ�����ǵ�highlight ��������������ż���ͷ�м���������˼�ǡ���ʵIJ��֡��������Ҳ����д��������ѣ�������/���յ�������������һ������ʵġ�����Ҫ���£���ô���������һ����dz��Ŀ��ģ����԰ɣ�)

����11. Do you get just as much or more celebrating at the beginning of the Chinese New Year?  Anyway, best wishes and good health to you for the New Year��

����I better get to work now.  I'll talk to you again soon��

����Take good care of yourself. 



����12. If you want to talk more about this controversy, let me know��

����I look forward to hearing from you again.  Take care��


������If you want to talk more about��let me know������������һ������������һ�εĻ��⾡�����������Ϊijһ���������һ���Dz������ġ�

����13. OK, it's kind of late, so I'll quit for now.  I have to go to bed to ensure enough sleep��

����I hope to hear from you agan soon. 

����Take care��


����OK, it's kind of late���Ҿ������ֽ�β��ʽ�����ˣ�����������ԣ���Ϊ�����˯�ߵ�Ȼ�Ƿdz���Ҫ�ġ�Kind of ����˼�ǡ���һ�㡰

����14. Well, it's now 1:30 a.m. here, so that means it's 4:30 p.m. in Beijing.  I need to go to bed so I will be rested for another day��

����Take care!  Ben


����15. Let me know if you have more questions for better understanding of our humor. I can help you with your training, particularly with the humor.  That is something I'm good at��

����Take care. 


�����ҵ����Ѿ�������ܿ�������Let me know if you�������ķ�ʽ�����Ƿ���Ҫ����İ����ȡ��ҵ�Ȼ��ץסһ�л��������������Ϊ�ʵ�Խ�࣬�����Ƕ��˽⵽�Ķ�����Խ������

����16. OK, that's it for the moment. I'll be looking for a message from you tonight, I hope��

����Take care!


��������û��ֱ��˵I hope you can write to me tonight, ���Ǻ�ί���˵I'll be looking for a message from you�������ּ�ӵ����ϣ����Ҫ��ı��﷽ʽ����ӱӴ�����е㲻¶�ۼ�����˼����һ�����Կ���)

����17. Well, since I don't have much to respond to this time, and since I have to get up early in the morning, I'll quit for now.  I hope you had a good time with your friend. 

����Talk to you soon. 


��������������since (��ԭ��)��������ʼ����Ͼ�ţ�����ȻҲ�����С�

����18. OK, that's all for now.  I need to get a little sleep before I go to the airport.  Talk to you soon��


��������get a little sleep �õúܺã���sleep �������ã����Ҵ��䶯��get, ���Էḻ���ǹ�ȥ��һ�ı���磺I need to sleep for a while. �Ա�һ�£���һ��������һЩ�أ�)


