我 以 禱告 來 到 你 跟前 廣東 話


  1. �ڥHë�i�Ө�A��e�A�ڭn�M�D�A�A

  2. �D�ڬO�n�z�εL�U�A�A�o�O�ڪ��O�q�A
�@�@�@�D���Q�Q���A�ϦC���k�V�A�C [ Everytime I pray ]
  1. I will come to You in prayer, I will seek Your face,
    I will stand within the gap, There will I intercede.

  2. I am meek and helpless, Lord, You, my strength shall be,
    Guide me with Your gracious hand, There will my victory be.
For every time I pray, I move the hand of God,
My prayer does the thing, My hands cannot do,
For every time I pray, The mountains are removed,
The paths are made straight, And nations turn to You.

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我以祷告来到你跟前 By Prayer Here I Come To You

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我以禱告來到你跟前 我心旋律

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我以禱告來到你跟前 伍偉基 粵語 吳華樂

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我以祷告来到祢跟前 我以禱告來到祢跟前 Every Time I Pray

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胡德夫 我以禱告來到你跟前

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赞美诗歌 我以祷告来到你跟前

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我以祷告来到你跟前 千首赞美诗之9 国

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我以禱告來到你跟前 MMO伴奏 歌詞MV 編曲 Perlen Wong

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我以祷告来到你跟前 我心旋律

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我以祷告来到祢跟前 By Prayer Here I Come To You

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Every Time I Pray 我以禱告來到你跟前 Josh Yeoh Lyrics Music Wah Lok Yuen Woh

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2021 03 06 我以禱告來到你跟前 2m05 Our God 7m30 Still I Praise 15m55 香膏的玉瓶 24m 我怎能不為主活 34m35 你愛永不變

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我以禱告來到祢跟前 中華祈禱院

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詩歌敬拜讚美 我在這 真實的敬拜 我以禱告來到祢跟前 福星藝術 Worship Session

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我心旋律 我以禱告來到祢跟前

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