
know the trends cannot be turned back and still want to do it; do sth. even though one knows it is impossible to succeed

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To realize this great selfish ambition, cultural and educational elite drastically criticized xikun scholars who held important political and educational positions but advocated poetic pursuit to escape from political dangers, and posed many models of educational discursive practice to control, better, and cultivate the full-of-desire societal life being neglected and thrown out of the academic sight by xikun school : firstly, in the early period, fan zhongyan and his followers, sun fu, and shi jie, et al. , believed that confucian principles could be used to reform political, and educational institutions and improve society ; secondly, after fan, wanganshi, being treated as cultural rebel by other traditional moralists and politic competitors, did a failure of national wide educational and political reforms to cultivate financial talents, based on his coarse economics knowledge about how to enrich the central government ; thirdly, ou yangxiu and su shi focused attention on reform the highly rigidified literature and art education system at that time according to their cultural ideal that everybody has the right to express what his daily life, emotions and dreams, which could be seen as an irony by the fact that only themselves " life and feeling could enter into their literature and art education kingdom, while those who described lowly people " s experience, such as liu yong " s sentimental assays written specially for female performers and even the prostitutes, had to suffer from exclusion.

但是,在十一世紀的文教空間中,真正值得考古學注意的知識是由理學家發明的,這不光因為,正是理學 (而不是范學、王學、蘇學等這些在當時權力更大的知識) 日後成了支配中國文教社會生活的權力,更是由於在十一世紀的文教界,只有理學家從一種最抽象的視角,認為十一世紀喧囂混亂的世俗生活及其基本的教化問題,無論多麼復雜,都可以歸結為人身上的理性與慾望之間的斗爭。就「哲學」能力而言,在渴望成聖、平天下的文教精英當中,理學家無疑是最出色的,他們能夠想到從「人」的結構出發,來認識世間紛繁復雜的現象,因而只需靜坐一處沉思人本身的秘密,而不必象王安石等人那樣認為到各地去調查,才可以摸清世間的狀況與問題。尤其不可思儀的是,他們的知識竟來源於看上去對教化世俗並不感興趣、只想追求長生不老的道士。

To add " there are many loopholes in the operation and sales practices of telecommunications service providers, " after " that, as " ; to add " and such complaints from the public are often not followed up effectively by government departments, " after " in recent years, " ; to add " stipulate corresponding penalties " after " to cover pay television, " ; and to add " ; furthermore, as the hong kong housing authority has signed agreements with pay television operators, these operators can enter the buildings to set up and maintain communal aerial systems and can deploy front-line promoters to approach the residents to sell other various commercial services, using the provision of exclusive maintenance and supply services as a selling point and adopting unscrupulous means to entice or mislead the residents into signing an agreement with them, causing great disturbance to the residents ; in this connection, the government must adopt measures to combat such sales malpractices, take the initiative to inform public rental housing tenants of the rights and responsibilities of the operators and, when the operators resort to malpractices or malpractices are reported by residents, take immediate action to investigate the matter and issue warning to and penalize the operators concerned ; the government must also review the problem of inequity in accessing system information by consumers and the telecommunications service providers, whereby consumers have no means or right to obtain true and accurate information about the systems that they are using and can only pay the fees according to the volume, system and time slots of their calls shown on the records provided unilaterally by the service providers, and in case of queries about such information, the decision of the service providers prevails and there is no channel for the consumers to dispute or verify ; to this end, the government should expeditiously study how to ensure that consumers have the rights to know, choose, verify, appeal and claim for compensation in the provision of telecommunications services including pay television, local and cross-boundary telecommunications and internet services " after " in the contracts.

在"鑒於"之後加上"各電訊服務提供者的營運和銷售存在不少漏洞, "在"不斷增加, "之後加上"而市民的投訴又往往得不到政府部門的有效跟進處理, "在"收費電視, "之後加上"訂定相應的罰則, "及在"標準合約條款"之後加上"此外,由於香港房屋委員會與收費電視營辦商簽訂協議,該等營辦商可進入大廈鋪設及維修公共天線系統,並調派前線銷售人員,以獨家提供維修及供應服務作為招徠,向住戶推銷其他各種商業服務,以不當手法誘使或誤導住戶與他們簽約,對居民造成很大困擾就此,政府必須採取措施打擊上述違規營銷的手法,並主動告知公屋住戶該等營辦商的權責范圍,遇有營辦商作出違規的行為或居民舉報營辦商的違規行為時,須立即追查,並向有關營辦商發出警告及作出處分政府亦須檢討現時消費者與電訊服務供應商所獲系統資訊並不對等的問題,即消費者無從及無權得知他們所選用系統的真實資料,令他們只能按服務供應商單方面提供有關通話量通話系統及通話時段的記錄繳交費用,遇有消費者質疑上述資料時,往往只由服務供應商作最終決定,消費者無從申辯或查證就此,本會促請政府盡快研究如何就各類電訊服務包括收費電視本地及跨境電訊網際網路等的提供,確保消費者享有知情權選擇權覆核權投訴權及索償權" 。

The paper selects lu bi-cheng, who was a famous feminist at that time but has been ignored for a long time, and analyses particularly her feminism ideas and practice from the viewpoint of history, education, literature, etc. " equality of men and women " as the starting point, the theory of women' s education as the key content, she put forward a lot of systematic and profound position, which not only deal with correctly the relation between " saving the nation " and " equality of men and women ", but also have profound and moderate characters.


To know it's no use, but keep on doing it -- there can be no greater folly than this.


But pierre knew nothing of that ; entirely engrossed in what lay before him, he was suffering the anguish men suffer when they persist in undertaking a task impossible for themnot from its inherent difficulties, but from its incompatibility with their own nature. He was tortured by the dread that he would be weak at the decisive moment, and so would lose his respect for himself.


Very common at the time you produced something as an apprentice, and it did not turn out the way it should be, you earned yourself an intensive twist on the ear or a smack in the face, and if you ask why you for sure got a second one and so on, it was called high efficiency learning. After 3 years of learning his lessons in quality work, consistency, and order, walter were scrutinized by the examination committee consisting of master bakers and teachers about his abilities in theory and practice, he become a baker craftsman in 1953. Fulfilling his duties for 5 years as a craftsman, he was entitled to apply for a master baker examination by entering in the master baker training school.

意思是萬事起頭難,唯有勤做苦幹實幹才能成為頂尖,學徒生涯總是苦的,但對於烘培抱持著高度熱情的麥可,他反而是樂在其中,平日他得在凌晨兩點,周末則是從晚間 9 點就得開始做麵包,一站就是 12 個小時,另外還有許多的雜事苦差事麥可全都得做前三年他在家裡附近的麵包店跟隨著師傅瑞拿先生 meister renner 學習烘培麵包技巧,在技法純熟後,他又到離家 400 公里的知名點心坊 garmisch-partenkirchen 精進自己的甜點烘培知識,在麵包與甜點的烘培技巧都小有心得之後,他正式結束學徒生活邁向新的里程碑在 garmisch-partenkirchen 的兩年中,麥可於空閑之餘在當地的酒吧擔任吧臺調酒飯店擔任滑雪教練,不同的工作環境與人際交往更豐富了他的歷練。

The wise man does not fight the battle which does not have stratagem ensuring success ; and a successful one, those know it can' t often but person for it.


By analyzing the background of economics, we can find that there is a natural relationship between economics and philosophy, and some words and phrases from scientific philosophy are widely used in studies on theoretical economics. For example, paradigm is a word from philosophy, but we know that this word in kuhn' s thoughts is a vague one and kuhn himself thinks that paradigm is not suited to the western economics for lack of self-evident truth.


The success successful, because they always look firm overlooks the front, while losers had failed because they dare not face up to the journey ahead, and know how successful, setbacks and tribulations of life is necessary in life, after the storms total rainbow will see more weight to not know life, cherish life more time, seize the day, and the losers have suffered occasional setbacks because of combat, the rough on the front full of fear, they fear the muddy and bumpy front, fear of thorns and stormy journey, so stop where we are and will only complain about the unfairness of life and life' s hardships, they also know that life can not be heavy, but they do not know that, go back to the fight, confidence, they also know the past can not be changed already doomed, but they do not know is that the present and the future can be its own master and win.


From the standpoint of daily life, however, there is one thing we do know : that man is here for the sake of other men---above all for those upon whose smile and well-being our own happiness depends, and also for the countless unknown souls with whose fate we are connected by a bond of sympathy.


You agree that american express, its affiliates and any of their respective officers, directors, employees, or agents will not be liable, whether in contract, tort, strict liability or otherwise, for any indirect, punitive, special, consequential, incidental or indirect damages including without limitation lost profits, cost of procuring substitute service or lost opportunity arising out of or in connection with the use of the site or a linked site, or with the delay or inability to use the site or a linked site, even if american express is made aware of the possibility of such damages.


Thus the brain and body, once thought to be separate from each other, have been shown to have an intricate, balanced connection, wherein each continuously affects the other such that, a healthy physical existence depends on a healthy and positive approach to life.


By the classification method, both whole match and partial match with shape similarity ranks are achieved ; especially, focus match can be accomplished, where different key parts may be labeled and all the matched models containing corresponding key parts may be obtained.


X the nominee is entitled to such fee for provision of nominee services as it thinks fit in accordance with a scale of fees which may be varied from time to time by the nominee on 30 days notice to the customer.

X 代理公司有權根據可由代理公司給予客戶 30 日之通知而不時更改之收費率,就提供代名人服務收取其認為適當的費用。

We don' t know the full details of the dispute that took place there and then, so for all we know, godric could easily have done something to provoke salazar, something he perhaps thought was rather amusing and salazar did not (i' m mentioning only godric here, since the argument was said to be mostly between the two of them).

我們不知道那場爭論發生的地點及其他的一些細節,我們所知道的只是,戈德里克做了一些能輕易激怒薩拉查的事情,一些他想可能會逗笑薩拉查的,而薩拉查卻不認為可笑的事情 (我之所以在這提到戈多里克,是因為這場爭吵被指是發生在他們兩個人之間的) 。


