Ponytail Palm 中文

酒瓶蘭(学名:Beaucarnea recurvata)在園藝中很常見,屬龍舌蘭科,原產於墨西哥。耐旱常綠小喬木,莖幹直立,成株可高達數公尺。下部肥大,狀似酒瓶,因而得名。

界: 植物界 Plantae
演化支: 维管植物 Tracheophyta
演化支: 被子植物 Angiosperms
演化支: 单子叶植物 Monocots
目: 天門冬目 Asparagales
科: 天门冬科 Asparagaceae
属: 酒瓶兰属 Beaucarnea
种: 酒瓶蘭 B. recurvata
Beaucarnea recurvata


Nolina recurvata



學名:Beaucarnea recurvata Lem.

英名:Elephant's foot、Bottle ponytail、Beaucarnea、Pony tail palm、Pony Tail、Ponytail Palm、Bottle Palm、Elephant Foot Tree

特色簡介 Feature Description


In order to resist the drought in the Mexican wilderness, Elephant's foot develops fleshy trunk base to store water and nutrients. The plant shape resembles a wine bottle with a wide bottom and a narrow neck, hence the Chinese name. It is also known as Elephant’s Foot; do you think they are alike? With a unique posture, Elephant’s Foot is a common tree often planted in desert landscape. It grows relatively slow, and spans 300 years in the place of origin. It takes more than 20 years for artificial cultivation to bloom. The inflorescence are very small white flowers hence looks like fluffy ostrich hair from a distance.

簡介 Description


An evergreen small tree of the genus Beaucarnea, native to Mexico. Stem erect, up to 5 m when mature. The stout and fleshy trunk base makes the plant like a wine bottle which explains its common name. Cuticle at the base of old plant is rough and cracked, resembles a tortoise shell. Usually single stem but old ones are likely branched. Linear leaves are clustered in the apex of branches, up to 90 - 200 cm long and 1 - 2.5 cm wide. Large panicles protrude from the branch apex and can reach 1 m long. Flowers white to light yellow, about 0.2 cm in diameter. It usually takes more than 20 years to bloom. Flowering in summer.

栽培 Cultivation


The hardy plant is adaptable to all types of draining soil. It grows well with full sun, water whenever the medium appears dry during warm growing seasons. Apply fertilizers with higher proportion of phosphorus and potassium once in spring and summer to promote the growth of the base. Remove drooping old leaves to control leaf density.

應用 Application


The unusual plant shape is ornamental. Plantlets can be planted in small pots for the value of the spherical trunk; the mature ones are unique in shape, often showcased in desert-like succulent landscapes or as an accent tree in small gardens.


