To doing用法

在大多数情况下,我们会看到 to 后面要接动词不定式,比如以下这两个句子(这篇文章里的所有例句都来自当代美国英语语料库,Corpus of Comtemporary American English):

The students wanted to watch these recordings over and over.

As the Fed begins to raise rates, the equation should change.

然而,我们偶尔也会看到 to 加 doing 的形式。我想大家最常见的莫过于 look forward to doing,比如:

I look forward to working with your vibrant community.

I look forward to meeting the digitized representation of Joel.

就我这几年修改论文的经验来看,很多人都不知道 look forward to 后面应该是 doing 而不是 do。不仅中国学生,我注意到就连德国和荷兰大学的教学秘书,在发给我的电邮中, 也时常出现 look forward to do 的错误。

除了look forward to doing, 可能大家还遇到过 contribute to doing, dedicate to doing 等等,比如:

Post-Reformation developments contribute to creating a common understanding and history.

He dedicated his life to reducing the stigma of mental health.

何时用 to do 何时用 to doing 也许会让很多人感到困惑。"To do", or " to doing", that is the question. 我们当然可以把这些 to doing 的结构当作固定用法个别记忆,毕竟这样的结构也不多。但是,其实 to 后面什么时候加 do, 什么时候加 doing 是有道理可讲的。

这个道理就在于 to 有两个功能,首先 to 可以作为所谓的infinite marker,也就是标记后面的动词为非限定性动词。在 want to 和 begin to 中,to 扮演的就是这个角色。to 的另外一个功能就是作介词,就如同 for 或者 of 这样的介词 一样。而我们知道 for 或者 of 后面是加 doing的,因此这就解释了为什么当 to 作介词时后面也应该是 doing。

那么我们如何判断 to 何时是 infinite marker, 何时是介词呢?这里有一个方法。如果 to 后面可以接一个名词 (更准确的讲法是名词短语),那么 to 这时就是介词,如果 to 后面不能接名词,那么这个 to 就是infinite marker.

比如,我们可以说 The students wanted to watch these recordings. 但是我们不能把 to 后面的 do 替换成一个名词,比如The students wanted to these recordings. 就说不通(这里的these recordings 也可以是其他任意名词)。

但是当 to 作介词时,to 后面既可以接一个名词,也可以接 doing。 本质上 -ing (学名叫gerund)就是将动词名词化。我们已经看到了 look forward to/ contribute to/ dedicate to 后接 doing 的句子,下面我们来看看 look forward to/ contribute to/ dedicate to 后接名词的例句:

Each year I look forward to these events.

Team building activities contributed to a more positive team climate.

He had dedicated his life to a Palestinian state.

当然,除了动词加 to doing 的结构外,我们还能看到形容词加 to doing 或者名词加 to doing结构,他们的道理相通。让我们来看看下面这些例子。这里的 to 都是介词,我特别找来to sth. 和 to doing 的句子,让大家可以做一个比较,以便让大家更能认清这里 doing 的“名词本质”。特别值得注意的是,the key to doing 以及 the approach to doing ,在学术写作中出现的频率很高,而很多人并不知道这里的 to 后面需要加 doing。

Most football fans are far more addicted to watching football on TV than watching a game of football.

Do you think you're addicted to plastic surgery?

Students are encouraged to brainstorm together, as opposed to using a dictionary.

It emphasizes oral histories and sharing memories as opposed to material objects.

Letting kids choose their own books is the key to helping them read.

If passion is the key to happiness, this book is 450-plus pages of pure joy.

We used a thematic approach to data analysis.

Professional development is a common and necessary approach to improving teacher quality.


1. 时间不同

  forget/ remember doing:表示动作发生在“忘记”、“记得”之前

  forget/ remember to do:表示动作发生在“忘记”、“记得”之后

  I forgot to do my homework. 我忘记要做家庭作业了。

  I forget having finished my homework. 我忘了我已经做完作业了。

2. 功能不同

  go on/ leave off/ stop doing: -ing分词作宾语

  go on/ leave off/ stop to do: 不定式作目的状语

  My father left off working and had some coffee. 我爸爸停下工作,喝了些咖啡。

  My father left off to have some coffee. 我爸爸停下来,喝了些咖啡。

3. 含义不同

 在try, mean, can’t help等动词后接的是ing分词还是to do, 与动词本身含义相关。

   try to do sth 努力做某事

   try doing sth 试着做某事

   mean to do 打算做某事

   mean doing sth 意味着做某事

   can’t help to do sth 不能帮忙做某事

   can’t help doing sth 情不自禁做某事

4. 搭配不同

  在动词agree, decide后,可直接带不定式,但若带-ing分词,则必须添加介词。

  agree to do sth 同意做某事

  agree on doing sth 同意做某事

  decide to do sth 决定要做某事

  decide on doing sth 决定要做某事


英语中to doing的用法

在这里,to是介词,to doing 是介宾结构.
look forward to doing wth (盼望做……事情).
I'm looking forward to seeing you soon.(我盼望着快些看到你)
go to doing sth,去做……事情,通常省略to.
We're going (to) camping soon(我们要去野炊)
(1) admit to doing sth.承认做了某事
He admitted to breaking the window.
(2) apply to doing sth.适用于做某事
The technology is applied to creating more products.
(3) object to doing sth.反对做某事
He is object to doing that.
(4) see to doing sth.负责做某事
I'm seeing to taking care of the olds here.
(5) stick to doing sth.坚持做某事
Don't give up!Stick to hard working and you'll soon succeed.
(6) take to doing sth.喜欢上做某事,逐渐习惯做某事
He takes to going to school on foot.
(1) apply oneself to doing sth.专心致力于做某事
(2) devote doing sth.把……献给做某事
(3) devote oneself to doing sth.献身于做某事
(4) limit doing sth.把……限制在做某事的范围内
(5) reduce doing sth.使某人沦为做某事
(1) give one’s life to doing sth.献身于做某事
(2) give one’s mind to doing sth.专心做某事
(3) have a dislike to doing sth.厌恶做某事
(4) have an eye to doing sth.注意做某事
(5) have an objection to doing sth.反对(反感)做某事
(6) pay attention to doing sth.注意做某事
(7) set one’s mind to doing sth.决心做某事形容词+介词to+动名词
(1) be equal to doing sth.等于做某事,能胜任做某事
(2) be used to doing sth.习惯于做某事
(3) be opposed to doing sth.反对做某事
(4) be reduced to doing sth.使某人沦为做某事
(5) be devoted to doing sth.把时间(钱,精力等)献给做某事
(6) be limited to doing sth.把……限制在做某事的范围内
(1) get down to doing sth.开始做某事,认真处理某事
(2) look forward to doing sth.盼望做某事
(3) What do you say to doing sth?你认为做某事如何?


大家都知道to do是动词不定式,to doing是介词后面跟动词ing形式。
那什么时候to是跟行为动词构成不定式,什么时候又是做介词呢? 我想区别在于to前面那个动词是不是及物动词。

打个比方want是个及物动词,后面可直接跟宾语。宾语是物如want an apple,宾语是动作就要跟动词不定式want to do(许多动词也能接doing,如enjoy doing)。

如果to前面是不及物动词,大家都知道不及物动词要接宾语必须加上介词,如to,at等。介词后面要跟动作就必须是doing形式。所以to doing就是不及物动词+介词to+doing的形式。如adjust作适应之意时为不及物动词,后面接物比如:adjust to the dark适应黑暗,接动作那就等于把dark这个名词换成动名词了,如adjust to living in the dark.


be accustomed to do sth是经常做某事的意思,be accustomed to doing sth是习惯于做某事的意思。



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