Whats wrong 中文

wrong adjective (NOT SUITABLE)


She's the wrong person for the job. 她不是這份工作的合適人選。

We must have taken a wrong turning. 我們一定是拐錯彎了。


You've been quiet all evening. Is there anything wrong? 你整晚都很沉默,有甚麼不順心的事嗎?

What's wrong with you today? 你今天怎麼了?

 the wrong way around

(mainly UK also the wrong way round)

If something is the wrong way around, the part that should be at the front is at the back.


You've got your skirt on the wrong way round. 你把裙子反過來穿了。

  • There are fears that the weapons might fall into the wrong hands.
  • I realized I was looking at it from the wrong angle.
  • We realized we had taken the wrong road and had to double back.
  • I got into drugs because I was hanging around with the wrong people.
  • He put the wheel on the wrong way around.

wrong adjective (NOT WORKING)


 get sth wrong B1 informal


You've got it all wrong - it was your boss that she was annoyed with and not you! 你完全理解錯了——讓她生氣的是你們老闆,而不是你!

  • I've tied the knots all wrong.
  • I got the time wrong.
  • I wrote the number down wrong.



He has done us a great wrong. 他大大冤枉了我們。

She was trying to right (= do something to make better) the wrongs of the past. 她試圖糾正過去的冤屈。

 in the wrong

If someone is in the wrong, they have made a mistake or done something that is bad or illegal.


The driver was unquestionably in the wrong. 毫無疑問是那個司機不對。


(wrong剑桥英语-中文(繁体)词典的翻译 © Cambridge University Press)



The unwary will be lulled into a false sense of security and happily accept a possibly wrong result.

Perhaps they simply got the wrong biological antagonist.

Either method would disallow a wrong prediction of factoring out a predictive auxiliary tree when extracting from a subject, for instance.

In such cases, there is no bar against these individuals exercising volitional control in per forming actions believed by them to be wrong.

Some pupils spotted wrong notes that had not been edited out.

Or to be told the usage one has just produced is wrong?

There are, moreover, times when the very idea of the primacy of habit over deliberation is wrong.

In the light of these quotations, the identification between literalism and fundamentalism seems doubtful, and probably wrong.


用"what's wrong"造句"what's wrong"怎么读"what's wrong" in a sentence


  • [网络] 怎么了;怎么回事;你怎么了

  • "stating what’s wrong with a computer"中文翻译    陈述计算机的毛病
  • "what are we doing wrong"中文翻译    到底我们做错了什么; 我们是哪里做错了
  • "what s wrong with you"中文翻译    你哪里不对劲
  • "what you said is wrong"中文翻译    你说得不对; 你说左了
  • "what’s wrong now"中文翻译    现在又怎么了
  • "i wondered what was wrong with you"中文翻译    我想知道你是错
  • "lay down a list of what is wrong"中文翻译    给不对劲的事列张单子
  • "what have i done wrong"中文翻译    我错在哪儿呢
  • "what to do if something goes wrong"中文翻译    机器出现问题时所采取的措施
  • "how do you feel what s wrong"中文翻译    看到病人脸色不好
  • "i know what i did wrong"中文翻译    我知道我做错了什么; 我知道我做的是错的
  • "what on earth have i done wrong"中文翻译    情非得已之生存之道
  • "be in the wrong"中文翻译    错,理亏; 错误, 理亏; 理亏心怯
  • "be wrong with"中文翻译    搞错了; 有点毛铂有些不舒服; 有些不舒服
  • "in the wrong"中文翻译    错误的
  • "wrong"中文翻译    adj. (opp. right) 1.(道义上)不好的,不公正的。 2.错误的,不正确的。 3.反对的,相反的,颠倒的,背面的,里面的。 4.不适当的。 5.〔用作表语〕有毛病的,失常的;无聊的;不舒服的。 a wrong'un [one] 坏蛋。 Lying is wrong. 撒谎是不好[错误]的。 the wrong move 走错棋子;有欠考虑的[不好的]措施。 the wrong end 相反的一头。 the wrong side of the cloth 布的反面。 the wrong side out 把里子翻朝外面,翻转过来。 The watch is wrong. 这表有毛病。 What is wrong with it 〔俚语〕这怎么啦? 这样不好吗? get [have] hold of the wrong end of the stick 弄错,搞错,误解,颠倒(理论、立场等)。 get out of bed on the wrong side 情绪不佳。 go the wrong way (食物)误入气管。 in the wrong box 处于为难的境地,着慌;不得其所。 on the wrong side of 1. 已过…岁。 2. 亏欠,变成负债 (She is on the wrong side of fifty. 她已经五十多岁了)。 Something is wrong with (sb., sth.). (某人,某物)出毛病。 take the wrong way 走错路。 wrong fo(u)nt 【校对】铅字(字体或大小)不对〔略 w. f.〕。 adv. 1.不好,不公正。 2.不对,错误,失当。 3.逆,颠倒,翻转。 4.有毛病,不舒服。 do a sum wrong 算错。 ★wrong, right 等可作为后置副词;用于动词之前须作 wrongly, rightly 等: He guessed wrong [right]. He wrongly [rightly] guessed. 他猜错[对]了。 get (sb.) in wrong = get in wrong with (sb.) 〔美口〕惹某人讨厌;惹某人生气,得罪某人。 get it wrong 算错;误解。 go wrong (人)走错路;搞不好;格格不入,龃龉;堕落;失败;(女人)失身;(机器等)发生故障。 right or wrong 不管好坏。 n. 1.不正,邪恶;坏事,罪。 2.过失,错误;不得当的处置;冤枉,不公正的对待;【法律】侵犯(权利);损害;虐待。 do sb. wrong = do wrong to sb. 害某人,虐待某人,对某人处置失当,对待某人不得当[公正],误解某人(的动机);强迫某人 (You do me wrong. 你误解我了)。 do wrong 干坏事;犯罪;犯法。 in the wrong 不对,错误;不正当。 know the right from the wrong 知道好歹。 put (sb.) in the wrong 冤枉[委屈]某人,诬害某人。 suffer wrong 受害,受虐待;受非法[不公正]对待。 vt. 1.(损)害;使受害;不正当[公正]地对待,虐待;侮辱,诬害。 2.冤枉,误解。 3.玷辱(女子)。 4.【航海】追过,超过。 adv. -ly ,-ness n. 1.谬误,不当。 2.不公正;不正直。
  • "wrong with"中文翻译    怪味
  • "and then what"中文翻译    又怎么办
  • "and what not"中文翻译    诸如此类, 等等; 诸如此类,等等; 诸如此类,等等
  • "but what"中文翻译    而不..
  • "but what it is"中文翻译    但,那是什么
  • "not but what"中文翻译    虽然..., 除非..
  • "what"中文翻译    adj. 1.〔疑问〕什么;多少。 W- books have you read 你读过什么书? What's the matter 发生了什么事? 怎么啦? W- news 什么新闻? W- money have you got 你手头有多少钱? 2.〔感叹〕多! 多么!真! W- a fool you are! 你多笨! What a genius he is! 他真是个天才! 3.〔关系形容词〕 Give me what paper you don't use. 把你不用的纸给我。 Little did he foresee what a difference this would make. 他做梦也未曾想到这件事会有这么大的影响。 what countryman 哪国人 (W- countryman is she 他是哪国人?) what price 什么价钱 (W- price gold 黄金何价?) what time 在…的时候 (= when, while) (W- time I am afraid, I will trust in thee. 我感到害怕时将求助于你)。 what way 如何 (= how) (W- way was she drowned 她是怎样淹死的?)。 pron. 1.〔疑问〕什么,什么东西[事情];怎样的东西[事情];怎样的人;做什么的人,什么人;多少。 W- is he 他是什么人〔问职业、身分、籍贯等〕。 W- like is he 〔方言〕= W- is he like 他是怎样一个人? W- of him 他怎么啦? W- is the fare 车[船]费是多少? W- is your name 你叫什么名字? W- 什么? W- of it 怎么了? 有什么问题? What's eating you 〔美俚〕你有什么麻烦事? Come what will [may], I am prepared for it. 不管发生什么事,我已经下定决心了。 I know what. 我有一个主意。 I'll tell you what. 我告诉你该怎么办吧;我来告诉你是怎么回事吧。 2.〔感叹〕 W-! are you late again 什么,你又晚啦? W- ho! 啊,喂。 3.〔关系〕(所)…的 (= that [those] which, the thing(s) which, anything that)。 W- I say is true. 我(所)说的是真话。 Do what you please. 做你喜欢做的吧。 4.〔关系〕〔引导插入句〕 He said it, and, what is more surprising, he did it. 他那样说了,更意外的是,他还做了。 5.〔表示另有下文或其他可能性等〕 Shall we go or what 我们是去呢还是…? 6. 〔英国〕〔征求意见〕好不好?是不是? Come tomorrow, what? 明天来,好不好? An unusual chap, what? 一个了不起的家伙,是不是? ★此种用法中的 what 为一虚字,无实际意义,且均置于句末。 and what not 诸如此类,等等 (He called me fool and what not. 他骂我是傻瓜还骂我这一类的许多话)。 but what 〔用于否定句〕 1. 不 (Not a day but what it rains. 没有一天不下雨。 Not a man but what likes him. 没有一个人不欢喜他)。 2. 除非;不…的 (Use no arguments but what you believe in yourself. 不要用你自己不相信的论证)。 ★ but what 与 but, but that, that ... not 等意义相同,但较不常用。 for what they are 本来面目。 not but what 见 not 条。 So what 〔口语〕那又怎么样呢? 〔表示不高兴不重视等〕。 what about ...? 〔征求意见、询问消息等〕 1. …好不好? 2. …怎么样了? (W- about bed 睡觉去,好不好? W- about the boys 那些小伙子怎么样?)。 what for 1. 为什么,为何种目的 (W- for 为的是什么?为什么?)。 2. 〔方言〕哪一种 (W- for tobacco are you smoking 你抽哪一种烟)。 3. 〔俚语〕 = whatfor. (or) what have you 〔美俚〕等等。 what is called 所谓。 what is more 加之,而且〔插入语〕。 what it takes 〔美俚〕成功的必要条件。 what's what 〔口语〕事情的真相,事物的道理 (know what's what 很懂事;有鉴别力)。 adv. 怎样,多少。 W- does it benefit you 它是怎样使你受益的? W- he has suffered! 他吃了多少苦头啊。 what between ... and (what between) = what with ... and (what with), 见 with 条。 = as much as. He helps me what he can. 他尽所能地帮助我。
  • "what are these"中文翻译    这些东西是做何用; 这些是什么
  • "what for"中文翻译    为何目的, 为什么, 惩罚, 责备; 为了什么


  • Don't hedge, what's wrong ?
  • Those two quacks i've got working for me in the medical tent still can't find out what's wrong with me .
  • We've got to have somebody heading up our enterprises who is clever enough to anticipate the future and bold enough to fight what's wrong .

用"what's wrong"造句  



