台南 大學 台灣文化研究所


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Taiwan Phone�G+886-6-213-3111


Address: 33, Sec. 2, Shu-Lin St., Tainan 70005,


在台南大學台灣文化研究所這個討論中,有超過5篇Ptt貼文,作者a031405也提到 我的房東是越南皇室後代!許燦煌收藏「聖旨」、「奏摺」過程大公開 作者 許燦煌口述 廖雲章訪問 劉苑杉整理 當年,許燦煌前往剛改革開放的越南打拚,陸續帶回許多珍貴的「聖旨、奏摺、古書」, 他如何從一位商人變成文物收藏家?又怎麼發現自己的房東就是「皇室後代」? 圖片來 源:作者提供。 1992年,越南台商許燦煌隻身帶著2000美元,前往剛改革開放的越南打拚,陸續帶回許多 珍貴的「聖旨、奏...


台南大學台灣文化研究所的PTT 評價、討論一次看

[新聞] 我的房東是越南皇室後代!許燦煌收藏「聖

1992年,越南台商許燦煌隻身帶著2000美元,前往剛改革開放的越南打拚,陸續帶回許多 珍貴的「聖旨、奏摺、古書」。許燦煌坦言:「一開始收集這些,是為了賺錢。」 多年過去,他手上的文物一件也捨不得賣,如今,這些是台灣爭取國際研究話語權的利器 ,也是弭平歷史傷痕、拉近台灣和越南關係的重要推手。 他如何從一位商人變成文物收藏家?又怎麼發現自己的房東就是「皇室後代」?

Re: [請益] 28非本科讀碩?

: : 目前28歲,國立後段學士,非本科理組,在專案公司工作一年多,薪資4w,覺得自己還蠻 : 喜歡寫程式的。目前在考慮要不要讀研究所(一般生),若要讀的話,準備個一年去考試 : ,畢業後大概31、32歲了。不知道31、32歲剛畢業只有一兩年相關工作經驗的女生會不會 : 比較難找工作?我不特別侷限是什麼領域,也不排斥下班後繼續學習。

[推薦] 獨家》世界更想看到台灣!國際大出版社Br

國際重要學術專業出版社Brill(博睿)將出版學術級的「台灣百科全書」,該百科委任 中研院兼任研究員蕭新煌擔任總編輯,並動員國際間1百多名學者以英文撰寫,並且該百 科將完全以台灣視野出發,預計11月就會公布初步電子版,這也是首度有國際出版社主動 出版關於台灣的百科全書。

[新聞] 追緝海蟾蜍 當百大外來入侵種現身

//live.staticflickr.com/65535/51825983735_6cb8d8972f_b.jpg 2021年11月初南投縣草屯地區發現,世界百大外來入侵種海蟾蜍。 東華大學自然資源與環境學系教授楊懿如,長期研究台灣兩棲類,並培訓兩棲調查志工隊 ,在全台灣普查蛙類生態。

[好康] 1/24(一)從生活啟發幼兒科學思維@台南

【1/24(一)親職講座】從生活中啟發孩子的好奇心——幼兒科學教育的起點 時間:1/24(一)早上9:30-11:30 地點:油車里活動中心(臺南市麻豆區油車里油車95號) 講題:從生活中啟發孩子的好奇心——幼兒科學教育的起點 講師:黃士哲博士 與談:江婕瑋 職能治療師 報名://forms.gle/zd7kmE7pojpav6a1A 內容: 根據哈佛大學教育學院發展心理學家

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 English CV (下載)
近期研究計畫介紹|Introduction of the current research project: //youtu.be/1v6R4jUwAXI

2020.02.01-2024.01.31 科技部年輕學者養成計畫(愛因斯坦培植計畫):「跨境‧交混‧連結:當代台灣電影中的移動者與跨國性」(MOST 108/109-2636-H-152-001
2020.07 科技部109學年度研究獎勵
2020.07 國立台北教育大學109年優良導師獎
2019.09 國立台北教育大學107學年度教學優良獎
2019.01.01-2019.12.31 科技部補助青年學者暨跨領域研究學術輔導與諮詢:「當代東南亞移工紀錄片的空間與底層敘事」(MOST 107-2420-H-002-007-MY3-Y10801
2017.06.01-2018.05.31 科技部專題研究計畫:「當代台灣新移民紀錄片研究」MOST 106-2410-H-152-001
2017.03.16-19 科技部補助國內專家學者出席國際會議
2015-2016 Research Network Fund: Teaching and Studying Diversity in the 20th Century, Wesleyan University
2014 12. Center for Asian and Pacific Studies Small Professional Grant, University of Oregon
2014.12 Center for the Study of Women in Society Travel Grant, University of Oregon,
2013.06 Joan Bowman Siegel and Mark Siegel Fund, University of Oregon
2012.06 Siegel Graduate Travel Fund, University of Oregon
2010.09-2015.06 Graduate Teaching Fellowship, University of Oregon
2008 中華民國斐陶斐榮譽會員
2005 國科會大專生專題研究計畫,《向陽詩作之本土意象經營》(94-2815-C-152-003-H)

Hsin-Chin Evelyn Hsieh. “Connecting the Local and the Global: The Association for Taiwan Literature.” International Journal of Taiwan Studies, 3.2 (2020): 331-341.
Hsin-Chin Hsieh. “Repositioning Taiwan: Historical Representation and Transformative Identities in Taiwanese American Literature.” Translocal Chinese: East Asian Perspectives, 14.1 (2020), 37-65.
Hsin-Chin Hsieh. “History, Politics and Identity: Joyce Huang and Taiwanese-American Literature.” Chinese America: History and Perspectives. 2017, 27-34.
Hsin-Chin Hsieh. “Representations of familial intimacy across the Taiwan Strait: The reinvention of homeness among Taiwanese wives in documentaries.” China Information, 29:1 (2015), 89-106. (SSCI)

Hsin-Chin Hsieh (Apr. 2020). “Blood is Not the Only Thing: Re-imaging Family Relationship, Intimacy and Migration in Contemporary Taiwan Film.” 2020 European Association of Taiwan Studies annual conference. Belgium: Brussels. (accepted)
Hsin-Chin Hsieh (Dec. 2019). “From Le Moulin (2015) to ‘Synchronic Constellation’ (2019): Documenting and Materializing Multiculturality of Japanese Colonial Taiwan. 2019 IPAA conference. Taipei, Taiwan.
Hsin-Chin Hsieh (Aug. 2019). “Documentary as a Tool of Intervention: Gender and Identity Politics of Southeast Asian Marriage Migrants in Taiwan. 2019 NYU-Shanghai Center for Global Studies annual conference: Asian Migration. Shanghai, China.
Hsin-Chin Hsieh (May, 2019). “Becoming Taiwanese: Negotiation, Assimilation and Sociocultural Intervention of New Immigrants in Contemporary Documentary Film.” 2019 North American Taiwan Studies Association annual conference. Seattle, USA.
Hsin-Chin Hsieh (April, 2019). “Writing for Recognition: Generational Differences and Transformative Identities in Taiwanese American Literature.” 2019 European Association of Taiwan Studies annual conference. Nottingham, UK. 2019.04.10-12.
Hsin-Chin Hsieh (May 2018). “New Immigrants’ Double Intervention and Contemporary Taiwan Documentary Filmmaking.” 2018 North American Taiwan Studies Association. Austin, USA.
Hsin-Chin Hsieh (Sep. 2017). “Taiwan is My Home: New Immigrants’ Stories and Homeness in Contemporary Taiwanese Television Program.” Rethinking Transnationalism in the Global World: Contested State, Society, Border and the People in between. Portsmouth, UK.
Hsin-Chin Hsieh (Jul. 2017). “A Window to Japan: Arai Hifumi’s Sinophone Writing in Taiwan.” Asian Studies Conference Japan 2017 annual conference. Tokyo, Japan.
林于弘、謝欣芩 (2017)。〈臺灣現代詩作的「精靈寶可夢GO」書寫與教學實踐〉,2017高等教育教學實務研究學術研討會。台中:國立中興大學。
Hsin-Chin Hsieh (Mar. 2017). “Unspoken Stories: Taiwanese Female Immigrants’ Documentary Filmmaking.” 2017 Association for Asian Studies Annual Conference. Toronto, Canada.
Hsin-Chin Hsieh (2015). “Multilingual Practice in Sinophone Taiwanese Cinema: From A City of Sadness, Cape No. 7 to We Are Family.” The Alliance to Advanced Liberal Arts College workshop on teaching Chinese film. Portland, USA.
Hsin-Chin Hsieh (2015). “Women Always On the Road: Translocal Representation of Chinese Urban Space in Contemporary Taiwanese Literature.” 2015 Association for Asian Studies Annual Conference. Chicago, USA.
Hsin-Chin Hsieh (2014). “Cross-Strait Migration and Homeness in Contemporary Chinese and Taiwanese Documentary Film”, 2014 Association for Asian Studies Annual Conference. Philadelphia, USA.
Hsin-Chin Hsieh (2013). “Women’s Migration and Home-making in Contemporary Taiwanese Film” The 62nd Midwest Conference on Asian Affairs.East Lansing, USA.
Hsin-Chin Hsieh (2013). “Representing the Early Chinese Immigration: Trans-Pacific Family and Memory in Sinophone Canadian Literature.” 2013 Asian Studies on the Pacific Coast annual conference. Monterey, USA.
Hsin-Chin Hsieh (2012). “Home, Memory and Boundary-crossing in Chinese Women’s Autobiography.” 2012 UCLA China Undisciplined conference. Los Angeles, USA.
Hsin-Chin Hsieh (2011). “Transnational Migration, Mobility and Female Agency in Sinophone Literature.” 2011 New England Association for Asian Studies Conference.Wellesley, USA.
Hsin-Chin Hsieh (2010). “Cross-border Migration: Transnational Connection and Local Representation in Zhang Yuan’s Work.” Taiwan Literature and Culture Graduate Student Conference. Davis, USA.
Hsin-Chin Hsieh (2008). “New York as Diasporic Space: The Geopolitical and Diaspora Writing in Pai Hsien-Yung’s The New Yorker.” The 14th Annual North American Taiwan Studies Conference. Seattle, USA.
Hsin-Chin Hsieh & Wan-Ting Wang (2005).“The Transmission of International Culture in Elementary School Textbooks.” 2005 International Students Leader Symposium.

Hsin-Chin Hsieh (2015). Life on the Move: Women’s Migration and Re/making Home in Contemporary Chinese and Sinophone Literature and Film當代華語文學與電影中之女性移動與家的變異 (博士論文), University of Oregon.
謝欣芩(2009),《異鄉人的紐約: 華文小說的離散華人書寫與地方再現 》(碩士論文),新竹:國立清華大學台灣文學研究所。



