NBA MVP排行榜 2022

期待已久的 2022-23 球季即將開打,又到了各家權威媒體為新賽季進行評比的時刻啦!ESPN 和 Sports Illustrated(下稱《運動畫刊》)照以往慣例,再度為球迷們挑選出百大球員,ESPN 是連續第 12 年進行此活動,而運動畫刊則是第 10 年。

近年來統治全聯盟的 MVP 大熱門 Giannis Antetokounmpo、Nikola Jokic、Luka Doncic 以及 Joel Embiid 究竟名次該怎麼排?那些令人期待的新秀和超級新星們又會有什麼躍進?

那位看似永遠不老的生化人 LeBron James 在生涯第 20 季又會是什麼位置?

ESPN 和運動畫刊的排名各自又有什麼差異?以下,馬上來看看(以 ESPN 排名為主)2021-22 賽季的前 100 大球員(本篇為第 61-70 名):


接續前篇:NBA 2022-23 賽季百大球員排名 – No. 76-100


No. 60: Kyle Lowry



2021 ESPN 排名:43

2021 運動畫刊排名:40

NBA MVP排行榜 2022

即使已經處於 36 歲的生涯遲暮,市面上仍然找不到太多比他更適合擔任這個角色的後衛。做為 6 屆全明星,Lowry 在上季季後賽嚴重掙扎,但他的油箱裡應該還有油。也許 Lowry 已經無法在例行賽 70 場以上的比賽通通維持高檔,但只要他能帶領球隊在關鍵比賽取勝,那麼熱火隊就值回票價。

No. 59: Tyrese Haliburton



2021 ESPN 排名:73

2021 運動畫刊排名:97

如果你上季因為溜馬隊清倉交易而不再關注他們,我們完全能理解,但你確實錯過了 Haliburton 近乎魔術般的演出:特別在這位年僅 22 歲小伙子在今年四月兩週不到的時間內,接連打出「15 助攻 0 失誤」以及「17 助攻 0 失誤」的兩場超高品質傑作。他對於比賽的閱讀簡直完美,幾乎每一次進攻回合都能做出正確的決定。


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No. 58: Robert Williams III



2021 ESPN 排名:未上榜

2021 運動畫刊排名:未上榜

對於 Williams 而言本季最大的課題是健康:他在休賽季動刀處理上季的膝蓋傷勢,勢必在球季前半段會缺席好一陣子。他在生涯第四年迎來大爆發,先發出賽 61 場比賽,優異的運動能力展露無遺,他的彈跳能力和接球半徑讓他成為聯盟最危險的空中接力人選,再加上潛在的傳球能力和防守動能,塞爾提克應該要沈著住氣讓他 100% 康復回歸,絕對又能在季後賽過關斬將。

No. 57: Nikola Vucevic



2021 ESPN 排名:39

2021 運動畫刊排名:39

Vučević 在防守端的表現開始下滑,但他仍然是一名雙十機器,也能聯盟最全能的長人之一。他的外線應該能校正回歸(上季的 31.4% 是 2018 年以來新低),關鍵時刻也能扛起球隊進攻重任。有後場雙星坐鎮,他的使用率應該回不去魔術時期,但進入關鍵的合約年,Vooch 應該至少能繳出生涯平均水準的表現。

No. 56: Tobias Harris



2021 ESPN 排名:46

2021 運動畫刊排名:50

Harris 的場上任務隨著上季 James Harden 的加盟和 Tyrese Maxey 竄出而有所改變。如今,他已經退居球隊的第四號進攻選擇。即使邁入 30 歲且身揹超大型合約,Harris 的技能仍相當好用:他能砍進空檔外線,上場也能組織進攻,防守端更可以看管多重位置,不論大小號前鋒都能打,儼然是頂級綠葉的存在。


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No. 55: Jordan Poole



2021 ESPN 排名:未上榜

2021 運動畫刊排名:未上榜


NBA MVP排行榜 2022

Poole 將會是新球季年度第六人的強力人選。除非有傷勢出現,否則 Poole 的角色定位應該會更穩固,讓他在第二陣容自在揮灑應該也是最佳選擇,他在 NBA 的每一年都展現了長足的進步,即使在拿下總冠軍之後,應該也不會讓他停下腳步。

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No. 54: De'Aaron Fox



2021 ESPN 排名:34

2021 運動畫刊排名:32

在和另一名天賦縱橫的年輕後衛 Tyrese Haliburton 搭配了一年半後,Fox 又將在 2022–23 球季獨自帶隊,這次將和擋拆搭擋 Domantas Sabonis 上演好戲。新球季的最大問題在於:新教頭 Mike Brown 有辦法讓他回到前年球季生涯年的表現嗎?


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No. 53: Jaren Jackson Jr.



2021 ESPN 排名:71

2021 運動畫刊排名:87

Jackson 看來將會在新球季因腿傷缺席了好一段時間(也影響了他的排名)。6 呎 11 吋的他在上季扎扎實實地展現了明星等級的防守,進攻端更展現了可裡可外的球風,隨著球技的進步他更減少了無謂的犯規,等到他的巔峰時期到來,Jackson 將成為聯盟一等一的優質長人。

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No. 52: Jarrett Allen



2021 ESPN 排名:61

2021 運動畫刊排名:83

Allen 在騎士隊的第一個完整賽季是個大成功,場均拿下生涯新高的 16.1 分、10.8 籃板,更一舉擠進了全明星賽的窄門,更重要的是,他和內線隊友 Evan Mobley 的搭配得到了良好的化學反應,搭建了克里夫蘭防守端堅實的基礎,也造就了後詹皇時期最佳的戰績。今年眾人對於騎士的期待將更高,但 Allen 在內線的影響力沒意外應該仍穩如泰山。

No. 51: DeAndre Ayton



2021 ESPN 排名:35

2021 運動畫刊排名:37

年僅 24 歲的 Ayton 將會是新球季最值得觀察的球員之一。他在上季被太陽拒絕以頂薪提前續約,休賽季待價而沽好一陣子,但在最後關頭又被太陽匹配四年 1.3 億美元的報價。這位大個子在上季無論攻防都相當穩定,然而他和太陽隊制服組的齟齬已經造成,他會想要離開鳳凰城嗎?還是這椿風波會激勵他打出前所未有的生涯年?

Fling one ladder to the floor only to rise a couple rungs toward the top of the Kia Race to the MVP Ladder.

That’s the feat Giannis Antetokounmpo pulled off in rebounding from what he called “the ladder incident” in the aftermath of a Nov. 18 loss at Philadelphia. Since that night at Wells Fargo Center, the Milwaukee Bucks’ star has scored at least 30 points in a career-high eight consecutive games in leading the team to a 6-2 record, as it prepped for Friday’s road clash against Luka Doncic and the Dallas Mavericks.

Giannis and the Bucks won that clash at American Airlines Center, which featured the NBA’s top two scorers, Doncic (32.9 points per game) and Antetokounmpo (32.1 ppg), leading a pair of clubs on three-game winning streaks.

“Since the ladder incident, I realized I’ve just got to be more locked in,” Antetokounmpo said. “I’ve got to focus on my work, focus on my craft, focus on my body, focus on how I can get healthy, how I can still improve my game. Nothing is [taken] for granted in this game.

“I think when I get in that mindset, I enjoy the game more, and I’m able to create more opportunities for myself to be successful and help my team be successful. I think it’s contagious. I felt like after that Philly game, I had to bring good energy, the fun energy back to the team [and] lead by example. That’s what I’ve done. That’s what I’m gonna continue to do.”

Is there any defense this season that can slow down Giannis Antetokounmpo?

He certainly brought the juice to Dallas on Friday, putting up 28 points and 10 rebounds in Milwaukee’s thrilling one-point win. The game fell in line with previous climactic meetings between the two teams. Six of the previous seven meetings between these squads were decided by single digits, with Milwaukee besting the Mavs in two of the last three.

Dallas coach Jason Kidd considered the game against Antetokounmpo and the Bucks just another measuring stick for a Mavericks team finally starting to hit its stride after a series of tweaks to the lineups and rotations. Dallas suffered through its longest losing streak of the season last month, dropping four in a row over the span of a week (Nov. 20-27) before winning four of its next five with Doncic reeling off at least 30 points in four of those outings.

The latest Kia MVP Ladder is here, and Michael C. Wright breaks it down as Jayson Tatum retains the top spot and Anthony Davis enters the chat.

The 23-year-old notched his league-leading sixth triple-double (the Mavs are 5-1 in those games this season) with 22 points during Tuesday’s win in Denver. Additionally, he’s scored 20 points or more in a career-high 32 straight games dating back to last March.

“It’s a marathon,” Kidd explained. “People have to understand you don’t win an award for the first 20 [games]. You get to learn about your team. You get to learn about each other. We’re gonna be judged publicly every night. That just comes with the territory. But internally, we truly believe that we’re going in the right direction. It’s making a couple of open shots here, getting a couple of rebounds there. Right now, you’re starting to see this team come together and believe. There’s a lot of good things that we can learn from. But the week gets harder. We’ll get some rest and get ready for Milwaukee.”

Antetokounmpo moves to No. 2 in this week’s edition of Kia Race to the MVP Ladder, while Doncic falls back a spot to No. 3.

Boston Celtics superstar Jayson Tatum maintains his standing at the top.

And now, the top 5 in the 2022-23 Kia Race to the MVP Ladder:

1. Jayson Tatum, Boston Celtics

Last week’s ranking: No. 1

Season stats: 30.5 ppg, 8.2 rpg, 4.1 apg

Expect the rematch of the 2022 NBA Finals on Saturday at Golden State (8:30 ET, ABC) to look different than what we saw back in May because the Tatum we’re seeing now isn’t the same guy that ran out of gas down the stretch last season. He’s on a mission and provided more evidence of that Wednesday in leading Boston to its second largest margin of victory (27 points) of the season in a 125-98 trouncing of the Suns and fellow MVP candidate Devin Booker. The Celtics are now 14-4 this season when Tatum and Jaylen Brown each score 20 points or more. Boston is also 10-2 this season against teams that are .500 or better.

Take a look at some of Jayson Tatum's best plays of the 2022-23 season so far!

2. Giannis Antetokounmpo, Milwaukee Bucks

Last week’s ranking: No. 4

Season stats: 32.1 ppg, 11.1 rpg, 5.6 apg

Currently tied for the second-longest 30-point scoring streak (eight games) in Milwaukee franchise history, Antetokounmpo trails Kareem Abdul-Jabbar’s mark of 16-straight games with 30 points or more (set during the 1971-72 season). “If I’m able to have another one, I would love to have another one. But I hope we win the game [at Dallas],” Antetokounmpo said. “If I have another one and lose the game it doesn’t really matter. We are 18-6, second-best record in the league. We have to keep on going. We have to keep on building. We have a very good team. We have great characters, people that love to play the game of basketball the right way, people that love to win.”

Giannis Antetokounmpo goes off for 40 points in a loss to the Lakers.

3. Luka Doncic, Dallas Mavericks

Last week’s ranking: Tied at No. 2

Season stats: 32.9 ppg, 8.6 rpg, 8.7 apg

Doncic owns the Mavs’ franchise-record for triple-doubles (52), but what’s wild is the 23-year-old missed out on potential triple-doubles by either one rebound or one assist on 19 occasions throughout his short career. We’re just a quarter of the way into the season, but there’s no shortage of highlights featuring Doncic, who is continuing to improve as a facilitator. The point guard showcased as much in reading the defense and finding Dorian Finney-Smith for the game-winning bucket Tuesday against the Nuggets. By the way, Doncic needs only one more 35-point game to tie Oscar Robertson (55) for the fifth-most 35-point games by a player 23 or younger in NBA history.

At the quarter mark of the season, take a look at some of Luka Doncic's best plays!

4. Nikola Jokic, Denver Nuggets

Last week’s ranking: Tied at No. 2

Season stats: 23.5 ppg, 10 rpg, 8.9 apg

On the verge of falling out of the top five, Jokic helped Denver maintain fourth place in the West while halting a three-game skid (the Nuggets’ longest of the season) with 33 points, 10 rebounds and nine assists on 56% from the field in a 121-120 win Thursday in Portland. That came after the Trail Blazers almost triumphed thanks to a strong night from Damian Lillard (40 points, 12 assists). Jokic’s double-double was his 16th of the season, and he produced his 21st career outing with 30 points or more to go with 10 or more rebounds and nine or more assists.

Nikola Jokic finishes with 33 points and 10 rebounds against Portland.

5. Ja Morant, Memphis Grizzlies

Last week’s ranking: No. 8

Season stats: 28.3 ppg, 6.6 rpg, 7.6 apg

Now within a half game of first in the West, Memphis lost four of the first five games that shooting guard Desmond Bane missed due to a right big toe injury. That stretch left some to wonder whether Morant could get it done without his backcourt running mate. Well, after that bump in the road, the Grizzlies have captured victories in six of their last seven with Morant posting his sixth career triple-double in Wednesday’s win against Oklahoma City. Morant is now the Grizzlies’ franchise leader in triple-doubles, and as expected, he credited his teammates for this latest milestone.

Ja Morant makes some triple-double history in a win against the Thunder.

The Next Five:

6. Devin Booker, Phoenix Suns (Last week’s ranking: No. 5)
T-7. Donovan Mitchell, Cleveland Cavaliers (Last week’s ranking: No. 9)
T-7. Kevin Durant, Brooklyn Nets (Last week’s ranking: No. 7)
9. Anthony Davis, Los Angeles Lakers (Last week’s ranking: not ranked)
10. Zion Williamson, New Orleans Pelicans (Last week’s ranking: not ranked)

And five more (listed alphabetically): Jaylen Brown, Boston Celtics; Stephen Curry, Golden State Warriors; Joel Embiid, Philadelphia 76ers; De’Aaron Fox, Sacramento Kings; Shai Gilgeous-Alexander, Oklahoma City Thunder

* * *

Michael C. Wright is a senior writer for You can e-mail him here, find his archive here and follow him on Twitter.

The views on this page do not necessarily reflect the views of the NBA, its clubs or Warner Bros. Discovery Sports.


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