New year resolution 中文


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Kickstart your New Year's resolutions now!


I've already made two New Year's resolutions.

Researchers at the University of Washington found that 63 percent of those who made New Year's resolutions were still keeping their resolution two months later.


Off the Internet new year's resolutions After the holidays we feel a bit lost.

互联网 的新年的决议 假期后,我们感到有点失落。

Think 2019 will be held February 12 - 15, in San Francisco. Register now so you can start accomplishing some of your New Year's resolutions right away.

想想 2019 将于2月 12 - 15, 在旧金山. 现在注册 这样你就可以开始实现你的一些新年的决议的时候了.

New Year's resolutions usually don't stick and a big reason is that it's sawdust.


An innovative billboard in Stockholm's Odenplan square is trying to help passers-by with one of the most common New Year's resolutions: Quit smoking.


New Year's resolutions, anyone?

New Year's Resolutions are often made to help us improve ourselves or refine our habits.


May all your troubles last as long as your New Year's resolutions!

NEW Year's resolutions often have to do with eating more healthfully, going to the gym more, giving up sweets, losing weight - all admirable goals aimed at improving one's physical health.


The biggest reason why most New Year's resolutions fail: you know what you want but you not why you want it.

很多新年计划失败的最大原因在于 - 你知道自己想要什么, 但不清楚为什么想要.

As 2014 looms, if you're centering your New Year's resolutions on things like exercising, improving your self-discipline and communicating better with loved ones, but ignoring trouble spots where drastic action is needed (like quitting a dead-end job or ending a doomed relationship), you are not alone.


I'm not a big fan of New Year's resolutions. You don't need to wait until the New Year to set goals and take action. Studies have shown that 80% of people fall off their resolutions within 30 days.

我并不十分热衷新年计划. 你不必等到新年的时候才制定目标、采取行动. 研究显示, 80%的人在30天内就忘了自己的新年计划.

The top priority for anyone's New Year's resolutions should be to stay healthy. Maintaining or starting a healthy lifestyle begins with a clear mind and relaxed body.At our Living Shore...


"The explanation could be down to the post-Christmas malaise, pressure from well-meaning friends and relatives or New Year's resolutions."



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Home 日常生活词汇 什么是New Year’s resolution? 老美们的top resolutions都有哪些?

New year resolution 中文

New year resolution 中文

New Year’s resolution,是西方的一个较为盛行的传统(tradition),它指的是人们立志在新的一年中要做成的某件事情,通常这些事情都是积极、正面的,可能是通过努力达成某个目标、实现自我完善、培养一个好习惯、戒掉坏习惯等等。

中文里,可以将New Year’s resolution翻译为:新年决心。这里的resolution,由动词resolve得来,而resolve除了有常见的“解决”之意,还有“决心去做”的意思。注意不要把New Year’s resolution理解成为“新年愿望”,因为“决心”的达成几率是要远远高于“愿望”的。

根据Boston 25 News援引的一份调研,美国人的新年决心主要包括下面几项:make more friends(交更多朋友),lose weight(瘦身),eat better(健康饮食),stick to a budget(严格按预算消费),make more money(多挣钱),get more sleep(多睡觉),get more exercise(多运动)。其中多运动一项居于首位,看来无论是东西方,人们都越来越注重自己的健康了。




维基百科英文词条:New Year’s resolution(无法访问维基百科?)

YouTube:经典美剧《老友记》(Friends)关于New Year’s resolution的视频片段(若无法打开YouTube请访问这里)

关于New Year’s resolution的调研(英文版)

注:本文由Will的美语课(原创,最后更新时间为:2022年2月17日 11:34:11 AM。未经授权,严禁转载。

New year resolution 中文