一切 都 在 掌握 之 中 英文

一切 都 在 掌握 之 中 英文

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2008-05-30 �� TA���1.5�����


一切 都 在 掌握 之 中 英文





一切 都 在 掌握 之 中 英文

Everything is under control.

�����in the control�� ����Ҫ��of�� ��ʾ�ڡ����� ������֮��

2008-05-30 �� TA���258����


一切 都 在 掌握 之 中 英文




Everything is under control.

2008-05-30 �� TA���2.4�����


一切 都 在 掌握 之 中 英文





一切 都 在 掌握 之 中 英文

������˼��Everything is completely in our hands
���룺Everything is locked in grasp����Everything is under control����Everything falls into arms

2008-05-31 �� ����13�û����ɹ�TA�Ļش�


一切 都 在 掌握 之 中 英文





一切 都 在 掌握 之 中 英文

��everything with in my hand."

2008-05-31 �� TA���359����


一切 都 在 掌握 之 中 英文





一切 都 在 掌握 之 中 英文

Everything is under control.


一切 都 在 掌握 之 中 英文

Stunt expert Leigh-Anne Vizer sits on a 'King Kong' hand above the Australian city of Melbourne during a production photocall. Photo: Getty Images/Scott Barbour


King Kong has appeared in movies since 1933. The story of a giant gorilla on a lost island that falls in love with a blonde actress and later goes crazy in New York was remade in 1976 and 2005.



如果某人 in the palm of your hand, 那你就完全的管控了此人。


Elvis Presley was a great performer; he had the audience in the palm of his hand.

Joan knew all her neighbours' shameful secrets. She felt they were in the palm of her hand.


短語 give someone a hand 的意思是幫助某人。

I know how to operate this machine. Let me give you a hand.

一切 都 在 掌握 之 中 英文

Stunt expert Leigh-Anne Vizer sits on a 'King Kong' hand above the Australian city of Melbourne during a production photocall. Photo: Getty Images/Scott Barbour


King Kong has appeared in movies since 1933. The story of a giant gorilla on a lost island that falls in love with a blonde actress and later goes crazy in New York was remade in 1976 and 2005.



如果某人 in the palm of your hand, 那你就完全的管控了此人。


Elvis Presley was a great performer; he had the audience in the palm of his hand.

Joan knew all her neighbours' shameful secrets. She felt they were in the palm of her hand.


短语 give someone a hand 的意思是帮助某人。

I know how to operate this machine. Let me give you a hand.