房 思 琪 的初恋乐园 英文

房 思 琪 的初恋乐园 英文

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房 思 琪 的初恋乐园 英文

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房 思 琪 的初恋乐园 英文

Jul 21, 2017 Zöe rated it it was amazing

"The Talk"

We live in a society where "the Talk" is quite different from "the Talk" in Western books or movies. How do you translate "the Talk"?

Netflix電視劇《性教育》【Sex Education】裡充斥著經歷了「The Talk」的teenagers,隱晦的也好,直截了當的也好,模棱兩可的也好。西方社會中父母與孩子間什麼時候進行「The Talk」已經不再是諱莫如深的話題,需要遮遮掩掩;所謂的「那個談話」的初衷是為了保護孩子,讓孩子有足夠的知識,知道當一個人面對社會的時候怎樣保護自己,怎樣劃定自己的界限。好生羨慕!

電影《The Hate U Gave》的第一個鏡頭就是「The Talk」,然而,是一個非裔家庭之間的「The Talk」,這

"The Talk"

We live in a society where "the Talk" is quite different from "the Talk" in Western books or movies. How do you translate "the Talk"?

Netflix電視劇《性教育》【Sex Education】裡充斥著經歷了「The Talk」的teenagers,隱晦的也好,直截了當的也好,模棱兩可的也好。西方社會中父母與孩子間什麼時候進行「The Talk」已經不再是諱莫如深的話題,需要遮遮掩掩;所謂的「那個談話」的初衷是為了保護孩子,讓孩子有足夠的知識,知道當一個人面對社會的時候怎樣保護自己,怎樣劃定自己的界限。好生羨慕!

電影《The Hate U Gave》的第一個鏡頭就是「The Talk」,然而,是一個非裔家庭之間的「The Talk」,這個“談話”是父母鄭重其事地告訴孩子,面對一個非裔群體依舊未完全被公平對待的社會,如果遇到警察,一定要把手放在警察看得見的地方,無論如何。隨後,顯然沒有經歷過「The Talk」朋友付出了生命的代價。在這裡,看似不一樣的「The Talk」,其實父母的初衷都是教給孩子,讓他們有足夠的知識,哪怕這「知識」是殘酷的,也要知道,從而以後一個人走向社會的時候知道怎樣保護自己,不再天真。是不幸,但又何其幸運!

遺憾的是,這兩種「The Talk」並沒有出現在「房思琪」的生命裡。她的「The Talk」大多是責備,甚至不需要責備,一個「你讓我失望了」的眼神就足夠;一聲「一個女孩子這樣讓我們父母操心」的嘆息就足夠;連她「一瞬間決定從此一輩子不說話了」的感受都是她的錯處;好真切,好不熟悉!那些「房思琪們」,本該來自父母的保護在哪裡?這個世界啊,為什麼大多數時候都是孩子在說「對不起」,孩子們究竟有多少能夠真正「傷害」到她們/他們的父母呢?

To imagine a language is to imagine a form of life.
——Ludwig Wittgenstein 【Born April 26, 1889】






Finished this book months ago, but I haven't made peace to myself with the book.

It was a turbulence on the internet due to the author's suicide as well as her parents' claim that it is an autobiographic book. It's heart breaking to read it, especially knowing she committed suicide at 26 after the publishing of the book. I could imagine how hurtful to the parents knowing the truth, but where were they during the whole thing? A 13 years old girl got seduced and raped by her teacher / neighbour that her parents trusted to? Parents have not noticed a single sign for the disaster?

Throughout the book, I grow up with Fang Sichi. It's sad, there is no help, no outer voice to her, instead, only the twisted Lolita complex growing inside of her. I could understood her choice of killing herself. And no doubt, it is a wonderful book!

People compare it with Lolita, however, knowing how Nabokov created the Lolita, it's a different situation. This book is based on pure pain and blood of a girl ignored by her parents, victim of the society. They owe her a life, a childhood, an explanation.


房 思 琪 的初恋乐园 英文

Apr 05, 2020 Kay Ke rated it it was amazing

A twisting tragedy that is beautifully delivered. The use and misuse of language and its broken components absorb the readers like no other. The shout hidden in the story is a silent one, but is explicitly highlighted in (I believe) an interview with the author herself: This book spends chapters to present a three-sentence news event: some girl is raped by her tutor. But in this book, from the girl's perspective, the event does not go by an ugly name but is instead a love story. Because it has t A twisting tragedy that is beautifully delivered. The use and misuse of language and its broken components absorb the readers like no other. The shout hidden in the story is a silent one, but is explicitly highlighted in (I believe) an interview with the author herself: This book spends chapters to present a three-sentence news event: some girl is raped by her tutor. But in this book, from the girl's perspective, the event does not go by an ugly name but is instead a love story. Because it has to be, because it is otherwise too painful to live. ...more

房 思 琪 的初恋乐园 英文

After finishing the book, I went online and watch the author's interview, police investigation of her suicide and her wedding speech, it truly broke me.

Lin Yi-han's background story : https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wUKOz...
Lin Yi-han's wedding speech : https://www.bilibili.com/s/video/BV15...

Fang Si-Chi's First Love Paradise is inspired by the author's true story where she undergoes several mental breakdown and start taking medication after having an affair with her teacher during high school.

After finishing the book, I went online and watch the author's interview, police investigation of her suicide and her wedding speech, it truly broke me.

Lin Yi-han's background story : https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wUKOz...
Lin Yi-han's wedding speech : https://www.bilibili.com/s/video/BV15...

Fang Si-Chi's First Love Paradise is inspired by the author's true story where she undergoes several mental breakdown and start taking medication after having an affair with her teacher during high school. Sadly, there aren't enough evidence to put the culprit to jail.

This book narrates the life of a young girl, Fang Si-chi that got raped and sexually abuse a cram-school teacher, Liu Guo-hua which lives in her neighbourhood. Throughout the years, she continue to meet up with him. Even though she realized that she got abused and treated as a sex toy, she couldn't step out of her guilt and live a new life.


Throughout the book, the author touches on many important social problems, particularly in Taiwan and Asia countries. Firstly, the taboo of sex and sex education. When Fang Si-Chi and her best friend, Liu Yi-ting asked questions about sex or make jokes about sex, adults either quickly switch the topic or reprimand them. As a Malaysian, I truly felt the stress and restricted space to discuss about such heavy topics with family and friends.

It also depicts that all of us are the culprits of social problems. The book depicts that the society often quickly blame female victims of sexual assault and rape without understanding the context. A newly-wed lady, Xu Yi-wen got abused by her husband whenever he is drunk. Even though the whole neighborhood know about it, they choose to remain silent, because it's other people's business. Therefore, social problems that keep on happening from the past till now is because all of us enjoy being a bystander.


The author also questioned the power of words and literature. The teacher, Liu Guo-hua often uses poetic words to seduce and prey on young girls. The book also mentioned that he enjoy practicing quotes that he learn from reading various literature on different young girls. In an interview, the author, Lin Yi-han mentioned that the news of V.S Naipul sexually abused his wife shocked her. As a reader, we often believe that writing comes from the soul of a person and depicts the true nature. However, literature also had the power to misled us into false perception. Fang Si-chi falls in love with the words of Liu Guo-hua over and over again, even though she knows that all of it were lies. Therefore, Lin Yi-han wanted to write a book to discuss about the danger of words and literature.


Overall, this book is a masterpiece. I gave it a 4 stars because I couldn't grasp the hidden meaning of every words and sentences due to my poor Mandarin. There are many lyrical sentences and symbolic that flew through my head. I also found the character of Liu Yi-ting retarded and dumb. A high school student got jealous because her favourite teacher sexually abuse her friend? If it's a primary school kid, I still can understand it, but a high school student that is going to graduate?

Still recommend it. May Lin Yi-han rest in peace and Fang Si-Chi's First Love Paradise continue to spread its important messages to the world.

"我想成为一个对他人的痛苦有更多的想象力的人,我想成为可以告诉那些恨不得得精神病的孩子们这种愿望是不对的那种人,我想要成为可以让无论有钱或没有钱的人都毫无顾忌地去看病的那一种人,我想要成为可以实质上帮助精神病去污名化的那一种人。" -林奕含


房 思 琪 的初恋乐园 英文

Apr 21, 2020 John rated it really liked it

“这美真孤独。What a beautiful loneliness. 美丽总之是孤独。Anyway, beautiful is the loneliness. 在这爱里她找不到自己。She can't find herself in this love. 她的孤独不是一个人的孤独,是根本没有人的孤独。Her loneliness is not that of being alone, it is that of having no one.” - 林奕含 (Lin Yi-han), 房思琪的初恋乐园 (Fang Si-qi's First Love Paradise)
Reading this novel has been an unprecedented and shattering experience. In fact, I was thinking of not reviewing it. But my heart kept telling me to do so, for it is such an important literary work which deser
“这美真孤独。What a beautiful loneliness. 美丽总之是孤独。Anyway, beautiful is the loneliness. 在这爱里她找不到自己。She can't find herself in this love. 她的孤独不是一个人的孤独,是根本没有人的孤独。Her loneliness is not that of being alone, it is that of having no one.” - 林奕含 (Lin Yi-han), 房思琪的初恋乐园 (Fang Si-qi's First Love Paradise)
Reading this novel has been an unprecedented and shattering experience. In fact, I was thinking of not reviewing it. But my heart kept telling me to do so, for it is such an important literary work which deserves to be introduced to English-speaking readers.
Ms Lin, a rising literary voice in Taiwan who suffered from mental illness for years, committed suicide few months after the publication of her debut novel Fang Si-qi's First Love Paradise. Her death eventually ignited a series of conversations in the Taiwanese society. It was later revealed that the root of Ms Lin's mental illness lied her 'forbidden relationship' with her ex-cram school teacher, who raped and sexually abused her when she was still a teenager. As a avid reader and literature lover, Ms Lin decided to put her painful thoughts and feelings into words. And that was how Paradise was born. Paradise relates the story of Fang Si-qi who is raped and sexually exploited by a 50-ish cram-school language tutor Li Guo-hua. And it remains a dirty secret between both parties. Si-qi's silence and helplessness in the face of Li Guo-hua's monstrosity ultimately leads to her breakdown. After she is admitted into the asylum, her best girl friend Liu Yi-ting discovers Si-qi's diary in which she chronicles her painful journey. Paradise can be recognised as a distinguished literary gem, not only for Ms Lin's refusal to romanticise and sensationalise the sexual violence Si-qi undergoes (which is a common and uncomfortable feature in many trauma novels), but also for how raw, candid, sarcastic, piercing, and razor-sharp her writing is, as she herself mentions in the Afterword: “I’m scared I’d end up consuming any Fang Si-qi. I don’t want to hurt them. I refuse to seek for novelty [in my writing]. I refuse to sensationalise [things]. I write for eight hours per day and the writing process has been an excruciating one during which I cry so hard. Whenever I read what I’ve wrote, I always experience this scariest epiphany: The scariest things that I’ve wrote, they did happen in real life. But all I can do is to write them down. The girls have been hurt. When readers are reading this, the girls are being hurt. And the perpetrator’s cram-school business is blooming as always. I hate myself so much for knowing nothing but writing.” We readers cannot imagine how suffered Ms Lin was throughout the entire process of completing her novel. As her words imply, literature does not do much in stopping sexual predators from harming young girls. Yet, Ms Lin’s first and also her final work, which I hope would be translated into English soon, deserves wider readership so as to raise our awareness of any kinds of sexual exploitation and how unforgivable and persistent we should be when it comes to punishing sexual offenders.

房 思 琪 的初恋乐园 英文


The Story about 13 Years old,the victim of violation. She was raped by her teacher. Delusion of love paradise he made her think that raping is true love. Eventhough fang si qi broke inside but she still endured for 5 years. It's like a heartbreaking tragedy.

The narration is amazing,fascinating and memorable. I can say that it's my first taiwanese literature i've experienced and it did not let me down at all. I enjoyed since first time until the end. love how she transform intense scences into


The Story about 13 Years old,the victim of violation. She was raped by her teacher. Delusion of love paradise he made her think that raping is true love. Eventhough fang si qi broke inside but she still endured for 5 years. It's like a heartbreaking tragedy.

The narration is amazing,fascinating and memorable. I can say that it's my first taiwanese literature i've experienced and it did not let me down at all. I enjoyed since first time until the end. love how she transform intense scences into elegant language. Ending is really sarcasm

**This book might be written from true story : The writer suicide after finished this book as her first work**

Honestly, I hope writer alive. In my point of view she was an absolutely talented taiwanese writer!!!


房 思 琪 的初恋乐园 英文


This is a story from Taiwanese author about two girls, living practically same lives: same age, both adore literature, befriend each other families. There are many families living in the block, and the girls like the teacher living next to them. He starts giving them private lessons, but only later one of the girls finds out her friend has been raped by this teacher, which lasted around five years, since they were 12.

If you ever r


This is a story from Taiwanese author about two girls, living practically same lives: same age, both adore literature, befriend each other families. There are many families living in the block, and the girls like the teacher living next to them. He starts giving them private lessons, but only later one of the girls finds out her friend has been raped by this teacher, which lasted around five years, since they were 12.

If you ever read stories about survival in modern civilized safe society, this one is for you. Also it's a call for girls to live with rage, it doesn't ask for forgiveness. Also, this story is partially autobiographical, because Lin Yi-Han had been suffering from depression for a very long time, but despite fighting, she ended her life. Only after her death, public found out about her teacher raping her and her sugar-coating it with love feelings. Apparently there was legal no prove to arrest the teacher, this is why the situation was so bad.


«Только потом девочки поняли: на самом деле они были не в силах оторваться от происходящего потому, что невеста очень напоминала Сыци. Это была их репетиция счастливой жизни» .

Читали ли Вы хоть раз истории о выживании в современно безопасном защищенном обществе? Две маленькие девочки живут по соседству, ходят в одну школу, дружат семьями, тусят у соседей и обожают литературу. А еще по соседству живет учитель, который дает им дополнительные уроки по доброте душевной. Через пять лет, после окончания школы, одна из девочек находит дневник другой, где узнает всю подноготную отношений подруги с учителем - этот псих издевался над ней с малолетства, а подруге просто не хватило мозгов вмешаться или удержать ее.

Книга написана в стиле, похожем на «Назови меня своим именем» - реплики персонажей находятся внутри абзаца, а сюжетные повороты происходят между строк. Перевод на русский был выполнен чрезвычайно адекватно, не смотря на обилие идиом и отсылок - по две-три на каждую страницу, - однако периодически мой взгляд цеплялся за странный синоним или какое-то структурное несоответствие.

Судя по Goodreads, те, кто знают мандарин и перевели свои отзывы на английский, писательница Ли Ихань долго страдала от депрессии. Какое-то время писательница боролась, но в итоге она покончила с собой. Уже после ее смерти вплыла история: в подростковом возрасте ее насиловал учитель (сам офигел), которого она также предпочла «полюбить», дабы защититься от боли.

Внутри книги есть более счастливые сюжетные линии, есть совсем несчастливые. Меня эта книга задела не сильно, ибо я точно знала, что я буду читать, плюс меня вдохновляют такие истории, когда в современном обществе на ровном месте приходится буквально выживать (на тему: Earthlingsby Sayka Murata, «Гротеск» Нацуо Кирино), но, пожалуйста, исходите из своих собственных возможностей - ваша собственная психика дороже любого отзыва из интернета.


房 思 琪 的初恋乐园 英文

Jul 17, 2018 Wenzhi Lin rated it really liked it

I really wish that she is still alive, because I witnessed, learned and absorbed so much knowledge, experience, wisdom from this book. I cannot wait to be surprised by the next book she would have written.

I'm also happy that she's gone, left the mental illness, left the nightmare, left the memory, left the crowd, left this dirty filthy world. She deserves better.

She painted the hell we are living in, the monsters we are walking by, the silent massacre we are listening every single day. No woman

I really wish that she is still alive, because I witnessed, learned and absorbed so much knowledge, experience, wisdom from this book. I cannot wait to be surprised by the next book she would have written.

I'm also happy that she's gone, left the mental illness, left the nightmare, left the memory, left the crowd, left this dirty filthy world. She deserves better.

She painted the hell we are living in, the monsters we are walking by, the silent massacre we are listening every single day. No woman cannot hear it. No one who finishes the book cannot hear it.

What's even amazing, along with the battle of mental illness and struggle from the horrible memory, she tried a new way to misuse Chinese words and phrases on purpose and was surprised successful. These well-known words suddenly reflect a different hue, light up subtle feelings in the dark corner which no one dares to touch. She forced people to think about fundamental essence and purchase of Chinese literature and art, what they were for, what they are for, and what roles they have been playing in the Chinese history. She reminded me how beautiful and magical they are and what can be under them.



房 思 琪 的初恋乐园 英文

Jan 02, 2020 Wendy Wang rated it it was amazing

"Everything In The World Is About Sex Except Sex. Sex Is About Power."
"Everything In The World Is About Sex Except Sex. Sex Is About Power."

房 思 琪 的初恋乐园 英文

This review has been hidden because it contains spoilers. To view it, click here. What have I just read?!

I was browsing Douban for well rated books and got this one. I picked it up, hoping for light-hearted/high school sweet love story, but wow, it was not that.

It was disturbing to read, but captivating. The language is beautiful. I read it quickly, put it down, and went back to the front pages and read "based on true story". Wow. Something so traumatic and so awful. Then I googled the book and learnt the author committed suicide, possibly due to the depression caused by bein

What have I just read?!

I was browsing Douban for well rated books and got this one. I picked it up, hoping for light-hearted/high school sweet love story, but wow, it was not that.

It was disturbing to read, but captivating. The language is beautiful. I read it quickly, put it down, and went back to the front pages and read "based on true story". Wow. Something so traumatic and so awful. Then I googled the book and learnt the author committed suicide, possibly due to the depression caused by being raped by her teacher/tutor.

Such tragedy. Beneath the individual tragedy, it might have highlighted a few societal changes that we need.
- The author didn't seem happy about the pursuit of good grades, the pressure of getting into a good school and the excessive tutoring to achieve that. There seem to be tutoring for every subject, maths, English, Chinese, physics... Let children be children.
- The shocking lack of portray of the parents and their roles in this tragedy. When Siqi was also suffering mentally and casually mentioned "why don't I get sex education" to her mother, the mother replied "that is only given to people who need it. You don't need it". When Siqi later mentioned "someone got together with a teacher", her mother's reaction was "she's a slut". Here already assuming the student is a female and the teacher male, and the fault on the student. Another character Guo Xiaoqi exposed what the teacher did to her parents, and their first reaction was shame.
- Similarly, society's attitudes towards these crimes and towards the victim vs the perpetrator. When Teacher Li's first victim "Bing Gan" told her then-boyfriend about the rape, the bf smoked and dumped her, because he couldn't bear to be with someone "dirty". What had she done? She was not the one that committed a crime. No sympathy for the victims and only slut shaming. This kind of society is suffocating.
- When Xiaoqi posted her story online, the responses she got were not supportive. There were slut shaming. There was laughing at the classic power imbalance dynamic. There was speculation she did it for money. Wow.
- Even the legal system was not helpful. When Siqi eventually went insane, and her supportive neighbour/big sister/idol with the financial means and connection found out, and sought legal help, I was so hoping for justice. Yet the lawyer said there's no evidence. What evidence? Like tissues or condoms? How do you expect a 13 yo girl to smartly collect those evidence when she's with a 50 yo well-practised repeated criminal and rapist teacher, when she didn't even receive adequate sex education? When there is such power imbalance, it's not a she said he said situation.
- Which explains why the victims put up with it for so long and the majority stay silent, even going insane.
- It's also sad the victims took themselves to the lion's den repeatedly over the years, appearing to be a willing victim. The psychological manipulation is strong. She hated herself. She admired the teacher. How could he do something like that to her, to hurt her and cause her physical and emotional pain? That must be because he loved her. Therefore she tried to love him. What twisted love. How ironic the author titled the novel "first love" and "paradise".
- I already knew the 2021 Australian of the Year Grace Tame was brave, to have gone through similar turmoil and came out fighting, starting charities, making noises and trying to correct the power imbalance. But most people, myself included, have no idea of the magnitude of their struggles, of how much mental strength it must take, of how many must have gone insane or committed suicide, before we hear about one brave instance.

It breaks my heart.


房 思 琪 的初恋乐园 英文


The short novel Fang Si-Chi's First Love Paradise by young Taiwanese writer Lin Yi-Han is a deeply dramatic story about years of physical and psychological abuse of a schoolgirl, who was only 13 years old in the beginning, by an adult man, her teacher. The reader learns about what happened from the diary, which is found by a close friend of the main character. Fang Si-Chi's diary has become a way to pour out her pain and anguish, to share what is impossible to do in the existing reality, as w


The short novel Fang Si-Chi's First Love Paradise by young Taiwanese writer Lin Yi-Han is a deeply dramatic story about years of physical and psychological abuse of a schoolgirl, who was only 13 years old in the beginning, by an adult man, her teacher. The reader learns about what happened from the diary, which is found by a close friend of the main character. Fang Si-Chi's diary has become a way to pour out her pain and anguish, to share what is impossible to do in the existing reality, as well as to seek support, sympathy and understanding due to prejudices. Aside from the terrible and tragic story of Fang Si-Chi, another story about domestic violence unfolds to the reader.

Despite the hard depressing themes, the style of the author is full of some kind of weightlessness, grace, epithets and metaphors, which perfectly describe the feelings and emotions of the characters. And sharper and stronger the reader feels the difference between true and false, good and evil, love and violence, which pretending to be love and striving to justify what is happening.

It is the first and only book by Lin Yi-Han. The author suffered from depression and dissociative disorder from her youth, and at the age of twenty-six she committed suicide. It is very difficult to describe the feelings that arise after reading the author's afterword (Lin Yi-Han's wedding speech), where there are so many hopes for the future. It is extremely sad to know how it all ended.

Let this book continue to spread important truth around the world.


房 思 琪 的初恋乐园 英文

That’s my first encounter with Taiwanese literature. There is no 100% certainty that the book is based on true story (the author denied she had written it about herself), but if it is…. Then it is just awful, disgusting and sick what happens in our world. Patriarchal cruel Asian world where little girls have no sexual education and are not protected by their families.
The story is beautifully written and full of interesting metaphors. The writer is talented in my opinion and it is sad that we wo
That’s my first encounter with Taiwanese literature. There is no 100% certainty that the book is based on true story (the author denied she had written it about herself), but if it is…. Then it is just awful, disgusting and sick what happens in our world. Patriarchal cruel Asian world where little girls have no sexual education and are not protected by their families.
The story is beautifully written and full of interesting metaphors. The writer is talented in my opinion and it is sad that we won’t see her works anymore 😢.
But I still have given only 3 points. The book is emotional but for some reason it didn’t touch me. Maybe I didn’t completely believe it, I don’t know🤷‍♀️. I liked “The Dark Vanessa” (the same theme) much more.

房 思 琪 的初恋乐园 英文

A friend of mine recommended this to me. From the title, I thought it was going to be cute and romantic, I never expected it to be so gloomy and dark. Believe me, for several times I closed the book and took a deep breath before continuing it again. I need to give a million stars to the author who had been through a lot and had courage to write this down. It was such a loss that she committed suicide. She was around my age and I really can relate. Rest well, Yihan.

*It has been two days since I

A friend of mine recommended this to me. From the title, I thought it was going to be cute and romantic, I never expected it to be so gloomy and dark. Believe me, for several times I closed the book and took a deep breath before continuing it again. I need to give a million stars to the author who had been through a lot and had courage to write this down. It was such a loss that she committed suicide. She was around my age and I really can relate. Rest well, Yihan.

*It has been two days since I finished the book and I still don't know how to rate it, so I leave it for other readers. *



房 思 琪 的初恋乐园 英文

Apr 25, 2020 Ruyi Chiang rated it it was amazing

It's a sad book about a 13 year old girl lured by a famous cram school instructor and the girl was hurt seriously then destroyed by the sexual violence. It's based on a true story from the author.

I read it with a heavy heart. The author committed suicide two months after the book published. Sometimes, I wish the author has read some paragraphs before she committed suicide. She used her words to warn everyone that there are people taking pleasure in raping young girls. It's real. A sexual crime

It's a sad book about a 13 year old girl lured by a famous cram school instructor and the girl was hurt seriously then destroyed by the sexual violence. It's based on a true story from the author.

I read it with a heavy heart. The author committed suicide two months after the book published. Sometimes, I wish the author has read some paragraphs before she committed suicide. She used her words to warn everyone that there are people taking pleasure in raping young girls. It's real. A sexual crime is never just about criminals and victims. Often times, it is incubated by the society where people are shamed to talk about sex.

I got goosebumps a lot while I was reading this book. I thank Yihan to show the darkest side of the world to me. It's definitely a book written with heart and soul.


房 思 琪 的初恋乐园 英文

Oct 29, 2021 Yijia Xu rated it it was amazing

it was so heartbreaking. i had to put it down several times before finishing the book. 每次她说自己“快乐”,我心里都一阵绞痛。她被剥夺了快乐的权力,再也不会快乐了。我也彷徨迷茫过,不自觉地回到加害人的身边因为熟悉。就像你跟加害人之间有一个秘密一样,你没有办法跟别人讲,你对自己失望,对世界失望,你破罐子破摔。被pua的人都只觉得快乐只能这个人才给得了。你告诉自己你再也不值得爱了。
太残忍了。谢谢你写出来。i am sorry that you have to live with it when we only need to read about it. Rest In Peace. Rest. I hope you're in heaven now. I hope you are happy now. I hope you know what it means to be happy. I am so sorry.
it was so heartbreaking. i had to put it down several times before finishing the book. 每次她说自己“快乐”,我心里都一阵绞痛。她被剥夺了快乐的权力,再也不会快乐了。我也彷徨迷茫过,不自觉地回到加害人的身边因为熟悉。就像你跟加害人之间有一个秘密一样,你没有办法跟别人讲,你对自己失望,对世界失望,你破罐子破摔。被pua的人都只觉得快乐只能这个人才给得了。你告诉自己你再也不值得爱了。
太残忍了。谢谢你写出来。i am sorry that you have to live with it when we only need to read about it. Rest In Peace. Rest. I hope you're in heaven now. I hope you are happy now. I hope you know what it means to be happy. I am so sorry.

房 思 琪 的初恋乐园 英文

May 15, 2021 ANGEL XU rated it it was amazing

This book is really too heavy and involves too much darkness and sadness in the world, because she knows that if she speaks out, she will be looked at by the world, so she chose to endure and knows to give up life... but patience is not Virtue, it will only make evil more unscrupulous. No matter when, you must protect yourself. When it's time to shout out, don't swallow it. This book is really too heavy and involves too much darkness and sadness in the world, because she knows that if she speaks out, she will be looked at by the world, so she chose to endure and knows to give up life... but patience is not Virtue, it will only make evil more unscrupulous. No matter when, you must protect yourself. When it's time to shout out, don't swallow it. ...more

房 思 琪 的初恋乐园 英文

Aug 28, 2021 Janice Ye rated it it was amazing

Nice writing. Many metaphors that vividly describe probably the cruelest experience. Disgusting characters — perfectly shows the perverted patriarchal society which both male and female contributed to. Especially how a sex oppressed society filled with twisted sexual ontology and misogyny obliterate the marginalized.

房 思 琪 的初恋乐园 英文

This review has been hidden because it contains spoilers. To view it, click here. Commentary compares this to Nabokov and I disagree - dark and disturbing like Nabokov, without much of the morbid obsession from the pedophile’s perspective. The events seem autobiographical, which is especially disturbing given the authors suicide. Events like this must come to an end....

房 思 琪 的初恋乐园 英文

Mar 05, 2018 Siyu rated it it was amazing

It's a heart-wrenchingly painful story that took the author's life and spirit to create. It should take no less of that to complete. It's a heart-wrenchingly painful story that took the author's life and spirit to create. It should take no less of that to complete. ...more

房 思 琪 的初恋乐园 英文

depressing story with sad ending.

房 思 琪 的初恋乐园 英文

Nov 15, 2019 Hongnan rated it it was amazing

Her words are so beautiful, but the stories are so bitter to swallow...

房 思 琪 的初恋乐园 英文

Feb 01, 2020 Hy Hy rated it really liked it

Heartbreaking. Only pick it up when you're psychologically prepared for the tragedy that unfolds Heartbreaking. Only pick it up when you're psychologically prepared for the tragedy that unfolds ...more

房 思 琪 的初恋乐园 英文

Mar 28, 2020 Hanxiao Zhou rated it really liked it

How could such a story of blood and cruelty be written in a way so literate, calm and full of innocent metaphors?

房 思 琪 的初恋乐园 英文

Overrated. This kind of thing happens to a lot of people. The issue itself needs attention, not her as a person.

房 思 琪 的初恋乐园 英文

it is very sad and frustrating when what i can do is read only.

房 思 琪 的初恋乐园 英文

Can feel her pain through her word by word

房 思 琪 的初恋乐园 英文

I read this book seven times. EVERY SINGLE Asian girl should read this.

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