Tie 中文

tie verb (RELATE)


The Republicans are trying to tie the funding up with this bill. 共和黨試圖把資金與這項法案聯繫起來。

tie verb (FINISH EQUAL)


Jane and I tied (for first place) in the spelling test. 在拼寫比賽中(爭奪第一名時)我和簡打成平手。



tie noun [C] (FASTENING)

  • Most evenings there's a party and the dress code is strict - black tie only.
  • He loosened his tie.
  • He wasn't wearing a tie and his shirt was open at the neck.
  • Do you suppose it would be offending against good taste to wear a patterned tie with my striped shirt?
  • Giulio was looking quite presentable in a suit and tie.

tie noun [C] (CONNECTION)

tie noun [C] (EQUAL FINISH)


It's a tie for first place. 兩人並列第一。

They have changed the scoring system because there have been too many ties. 因為常常出現不分勝負的結果,他們改變了計分制。

(tie剑桥英语-中文(繁体)词典的翻译 © Cambridge University Press)



The actors are able to reach common agreement on their preferences and are open to ties with other parties.

The former category is tied to the land, and provided with basic housing, but deprived of all other state benefits.

Others are so closely tied to elected politicians that they lack substantial independence.

To begin, venues are directly tied to policy solutions, and advocacy groups do have preferences in this regard.

Each group had its own culture and language and had its own affirmative action policies tied to it.

In both countries older women generally had more close ties than older men and received more kinds of support.

When troubles arose, the ministry arranged mergers, utilizing its informal ties with banks.

This peripatetic round of appointments made it highly unlikely that he would develop lasting ties with townspeople.


tie verb (RELATE)


The Republicans are trying to tie the funding up with this bill. 共和党试图把资金与这项法案联系起来。

tie verb (FINISH EQUAL)


Jane and I tied (for first place) in the spelling test. 在拼写比赛中(争夺第一名时)我和简打成平手。



tie noun [C] (FASTENING)

  • Most evenings there's a party and the dress code is strict - black tie only.
  • He loosened his tie.
  • He wasn't wearing a tie and his shirt was open at the neck.
  • Do you suppose it would be offending against good taste to wear a patterned tie with my striped shirt?
  • Giulio was looking quite presentable in a suit and tie.

tie noun [C] (CONNECTION)

tie noun [C] (EQUAL FINISH)


It's a tie for first place. 两人并列第一。

They have changed the scoring system because there have been too many ties. 因为常常出现不分胜负的结果,他们改变了计分制。

(tie剑桥英语-中文(简体)词典的翻译 © Cambridge University Press)



In both countries older women generally had more close ties than older men and received more kinds of support.

The collective results suggest that neural populations, rather than the individual cell, determine the spatial proper ties of its receptive field.

Rather, moral is referring to the form taken by ties which bind individuals and groups in social relations.

There is a fairly straightforward answer to this question, which is intimately tied to their concept of iteration.

In this rubric, the political is released from a necessary tie to centralized governance and simply represents itself as a social production.

Rather, we should admit that the ties are somewhat different in different contexts.

The actors are able to reach common agreement on their preferences and are open to ties with other parties.

The former category is tied to the land, and provided with basic housing, but deprived of all other state benefits.
