東華 三 院 黃 笏 南 中學

東華 三 院 黃 笏 南 中學


1 September 2022

東華 三 院 黃 笏 南 中學

The Opening Ceremony of the 2022-2023 school year was officially held on 1st September, 2022. The principal first warmly welcomed the new students and teachers who join our big family. He then reported the commendable results of our graduates in 2022 HKDSE and introduced this year’s school theme – Take responsibility, Pass on our culture. […]

31 August 2022

東華 三 院 黃 笏 南 中學

The TWGHs Flag Day 2022 was successfully held on 31 August 2022. To raise funds for our community and education services, many of our schoolmates have actively participated in this annual fundraising event. In the midst of the pandemic, volunteers from our school scurried around the territory gathering funds from passersby. Thanks to their perseverance […]

11 August 2022

東華 三 院 黃 笏 南 中學

Held on 11th August, the Closing Ceremony marked the end of the school term. Academic Awards and scholarships were awarded to students with outstanding academic results or remarkable improvement. The Principal took the opportunity to thank the teachers who retired or left this year. Before the ceremony ended, the Principal explained the danger of infodemic […]

27 June 2022

東華 三 院 黃 笏 南 中學

Held by the Students’ Union, Union Festival was another big event in the school year. Students had the opportunity to showcase their talents. Their singing, dancing performance and more wowed the audience with their levels of artistry in their performances. What made the event more special was the glow sticks prepared by the Students’ Union […]

17 November 2021

東華 三 院 黃 笏 南 中學

Adventure-ship was held successfully on 17th November 2021. Unlike other leadership training activity, Adventure-ship provided an opportunity for student leaders to go beyond their comfort zone and learn more about themselves. Although they were required to complete the challenging tasks, they all dealt with it strongly with good team spirit. Many participants said that the […]

1 September 2021

東華 三 院 黃 笏 南 中學

School started on 1st September 2021 and we warmly welcomed all the new and old faces to our family. We were grateful that we could meet one another face to face. Even though teachers and students were wearing their masks, we could still see their “smiling eyes” when entering the school. In the opening ceremony, […]

15 July 2021

東華 三 院 黃 笏 南 中學

The closing ceremony was held on 15th July 2021 to mark the end of this academic year. Principal, Vice-principals, teachers and students all gathered in the school hall to attend it. The Principal delivered the closing remarks and gave valuable advice to students.

21 May 2021

東華 三 院 黃 笏 南 中學

Held on 21st May, the Speech Day not only marked the end of the secondary school life of the F.6 graduates, but also reminded them the unforgettable memories they spent with us. Despite the pandemic, the ceremony was still held as it was a great opportunity for them to celebrate their achievement with their teachers […]

27 November 2020

東華 三 院 黃 笏 南 中學

Given the latest development of the pandemic, the Speech Day was conducted both online and offline simultaneously. In the academic year 2019/2020, a total of 1,759 Form 6 students graduated from 18 TWGHs secondary schools. Admittedly, COVID-19 has somewhat hampered the learning progress of students, especially that of HKDSE candidates who could not but cope […]

14 November 2020

東華 三 院 黃 笏 南 中學

Through the Competition, all participating students not only had a better understanding of the mission and spirit of the Group in serving Hong Kong selflessly since 1870, but also consolidated their understanding of the history of the Group and Hong Kong, and thus enhance their sense of belonging. Our School won the champions for the […]

13 November 2020

東華 三 院 黃 笏 南 中學

Performed in Chinese costumes, our students gave a magnificent performance which narrated the well-known Chinese folklore, The Butterfly Lovers, in the Hong Kong and Macau Chinese Classic Recital Show 2020. Accompanied by the music played by the percussion ensemble with violins and flutes as soloists, as well as an animation of over 3000 hand drawn […]

9 October 2020

東華 三 院 黃 笏 南 中學

The long-awaited Speech Day, which has been postponed, was held on 9th October, 2020. The F.6 graduates finally had an opportunity to reunite and meet their teachers and friends at their beloved school, while parents watched the live event online to witness their child’s graduation and share such a memorable moment. We are especially proud […]

1 September 2020

東華 三 院 黃 笏 南 中學

Despite the pandemic, our school reopens on 1st September. An unprecedented re-opening ceremony was held in the morning of that day with only Principal, Vice-Principals and teachers in the school hall, while students watched it online. It was also a new experience for students to “attend” an online Opening Ceremony. The Principal first welcomed students […]

9 November 2019

東華 三 院 黃 笏 南 中學

PTA Annual General Meeting cum the 23rd PTA Committee Members Election was successfully held on 9th November, 2019 (Sat). This year, seven parents ran for the seats and six of them were elected. Thanks so much to everyone who ran for the positions and we really appreciate their participation and enthusiasm. We were also glad […]

28 September 2019

東華 三 院 黃 笏 南 中學

Adhering to our mission to promote “all-round education”, the Group strives to nurture the multi-faceted potentials of our students. Under the theme of “Knowledge builds up in steps: London Collection”, Dr. TSOI Wing Sing, Ken, the Chairman cum Honorary Supervisor, will take 28 Student Ambassadors from TWGHs secondary schools on a tour to London in […]

2 September 2019

東華 三 院 黃 笏 南 中學

The Opening Ceremony of the 2019-2020 school year was officially held on 2nd September, 2019. A speech was delivered by the new principal, Mr Lee. He first introduced himself and warmly welcomed the new students and teachers who join our big family. He also highlighted the students’ achievements in both HKDSE and various extra-curricular activities […]

12 July 2019

東華 三 院 黃 笏 南 中學

The Closing Ceremony of 2018-2019 was held on 12 July 2019. This was the last closing ceremony officiated by our Principal Mr. Leung Chi Kin. Having led Wong Fut Nam College for 11 years, he is going to retire after this summer holiday. Teachers, students and alumni thanked his endless effort in the past through […]

29 June 2019

東華 三 院 黃 笏 南 中學

Feature: Steinway & Sons Grand Piano Sponsor: Dr. Philip K.H. Wong & Dr. Wilson K.L. Wong 29th June 2019 (Saturday) 18:00 – 20:30 TWGHs Wong Fut Nam College Sinfonia Auditorium We believe every student has musical potential and it is our responsibility to provide to provide enriching music education to them. Music education cannot only […]

3 May 2019

東華 三 院 黃 笏 南 中學

To provide a practical, student-centered, active learning environment for gifted science students in Primary school who wish to further their knowledge in this subject.  TWGHs Wong Fut Nam College would like to provide learning opportunities that will enable students to develop their curiosity as well as build up their scientific knowledge and enthusiasm.  Through a […]

16 February 2019

東華 三 院 黃 笏 南 中學

The Concluding Day of TWGHs Student Ambassador Tour to Vancouver was held on 16 February 2019 at our School Hall. Mr. Vinci WONG, the Chairman cum Honorary Supervisor, and several Board Members attended the Event to show their support. During the Event, 28 Student Ambassadors shared their experiences and stories of the Tour to Vancouver. […]

21 December 2018

東華 三 院 黃 笏 南 中學

To celebrate Christmas, Christmas Fun Fair was held on 21st December. Sixteen game booths were created by students from both senior and junior forms. Both the Parent-teacher Association and Alumni Association also ran a booth to organize interesting games for students to play and prepared some lovely prizes. Many alumnus also came back to have […]

18 December 2018

東華 三 院 黃 笏 南 中學

Hong Kong CPPCC Youth Association invited Professor Tieniu TAN to share “Opportunities for the Youth in the Latest Innovation and Technology Development” on 18 December 2018 in our school hall. Professor Tieniu TAN is an expert on image processing, computer vision and pattern recognition. He is currently the Vice Minister at the Liaison Office of […]

5 December 2018

東華 三 院 黃 笏 南 中學

The 37th Sports Day was held on 5th and 6th December 2018 at Wan Chai Sports Ground. Miss Yan Zi, who is the Olympic bronze medallist and the Asian Games gold medallist and the two-time Chinese grand slam doubles champion, was invited to be the guest of honour to address the closing ceremony. She shared […]

7 November 2018

東華 三 院 黃 笏 南 中學

The Watoto Children’s Choir, a group of abandoned children from Uganda, performed at our school on 7th November, 2018 (Wed) as a part of its Asian Tour featuring their concert – Signs & Wonders. All the way from Uganda, they are a voice for millions who are orphaned and vulnerable in Africa. Listening to the […]

15 October 2018

東華 三 院 黃 笏 南 中學

On 15 October 2018, Chief Executive Carrie Lam met more than 700 students from TWGHs at our school hall to share her vision outlined in the 2018 Policy Address and the initiatives in it. In the opening address, Mrs Lam shared her governance philosophy and her experience in the past year as the Chief Executive. […]

22 September 2018

東華 三 院 黃 笏 南 中學

Our students participated in TWGHs Student Ambassador Tour to Vancouver 2018 Kick-off Ceremony on 22nd September 2018 at the Assembly Hall of Tung Wah Hospital. Mr. Vinci WONG, the Chairman cum Honorary Supervisor, presented a flag to the participating ambassadors. The TWGHs Student Ambassador Tour to Vancouver was held from 9 to 17 October 2018. […]

28 August 2018

東華 三 院 黃 笏 南 中學

Form 1 parents were invited to join a series to talks familiarizing themselves with the school and enjoy the wonderful musical performance by our senior students.

30 June 2018

東華 三 院 黃 笏 南 中學

Pieces by JS Bach, Satoshi Yagisawa, Vivaldi, Ennio Morricone, Sarasate, Ponce/Heifetz and more!!!


東華 三 院 黃 笏 南 中學

Form 2 Lui Pak Yi won the championship for her painting “The Ideal Hong Kong”, which depicts a prosperous city from a realistic perspective.

東華 三 院 黃 笏 南 中學

Form 6 Ip Chung Kiu was selected as a finalist and won Excellent Award in Hong Kong School Chinese Painting Competition, which celebrates the 25th Anniversary of the establishment of the HKSAR.

東華 三 院 黃 笏 南 中學

Eight F.4 Geography 2021-22 students joined URA x TWGHs Young Leadership Programme 2021-22, which was organized by Urban Renewal Authority and Tung Wah Education Division. They were awarded the “Best Geospatial Data Application Award”, while Yip Chin To was awarded the “Best Leader Award”.

東華 三 院 黃 笏 南 中學

Form 1 Zhao Merry won the Second Prize for her Chinese calligraphy “繼往開來” (From strength to strength) which celebrates the 25th Anniversary of the establishment of the HKSAR.

東華 三 院 黃 笏 南 中學

Our students participated in the 74th Hong Kong Schools Music Festival and got outstanding results. Form 5 Kwok Siu Kau became the Champion in both Hong Kong Percussion Centre Trophies from Xylophone Solo (Secondary School) and Marimba Solo (Secondary School) respectively. He has also been awarded the 2021-22 Grantham Music Awards and Scholarship.

東華 三 院 黃 笏 南 中學

本校學生參加第七十三屆香港學校朗誦節粵語及普通話比賽,學生用心練習,獲得優良及良好獎項。 粵語 中學一年級女子粵語散文獨誦 劉懿加 冠軍 郭嘉昕 良好 中學一年級女子粵語詩詞獨誦 李配賢 優良 陳婉婷 良好 中學一年級男子粵語詩詞獨誦 張晉熙 優良 中學二年級女子粵語散文獨誦 郭芷晴 優良 中學二年級男子粵語詩詞獨誦 梁錦浚 優良 中學五、六年級男子粵語散文獨誦 陳嘉熙 優良 普通話 中學一、二年級女子普通話散文獨誦 姚松欣 優良 李思緲 優良 任祉而 優良 蔡詩妍 優良 徐靖嵐 優良 中學一、二年級女子普通話詩詞獨誦 蘇臸龢 優良 雷應儀 優良 蘇臸珩 優良 高雅涵 優良 陳婉婷 良好 中學一、二年級男子普通話詩詞獨誦 徐啟哲 優良 張晉熙 良好 中學三、四年級女子普通話散文獨誦 曾雲珠 冠軍 […]

東華 三 院 黃 笏 南 中學

Our students participated in the 11th World Children Art Awards 2022 and achieved satisfactory results. Hui Shu Ting (F5) won the first runner-up. Chan Kwan Tung (F5), Ip Chung Kiu (F5) and Lam Yan Hei (F5) received the Excellence Award. Our school also received Excellence Art of Education Award. Congratulations to all the winners on […]

東華 三 院 黃 笏 南 中學

Our Form 5 student, Jong Yuk Wan has joined 2022 Hong Kong Secondary School IT Knowledge Challenge and finished in the runner-up position in the competition. The competition was organized by Department of Information Technology, Hong Kong Institute of Vocational Education (Lee Wai Lee). Over 2,000 students from more than 200 secondary schools participated in […]

東華 三 院 黃 笏 南 中學

Three of our students, Lau Hoi Lok (F6), Ng Tsz Wai (F6) and Shum Sheung Ching (F5), received the Applied Learning Scholarship co-organized by the Law’s Charitable Foundation and the Education Bureau. The scholarship was awarded in appreciation of their positive learning attitude and outstanding performance in their study of Applied Learning courses. Congratulations to […]

東華 三 院 黃 笏 南 中學

Our graduates have reason to be proud as they garnered an outstanding performance in their post-secondary education.   Pride of WFN

東華 三 院 黃 笏 南 中學

To promote STEM education, our school always encourages students to join activities and competitions related to STEM. Recently, five F.2 and F.3 students have joined the Underwater Robot Competition 2021 organized by HKUST. The team members are Ng Issac Yin Wai, Lau Pak Yin, Yeung Yi Lun, Chan Ho Kiu and Yang Ka Yui. After […]

東華 三 院 黃 笏 南 中學

Our students took part in the 73rd Hong Kong Schools Music Festival and got outstanding results. Form 1 Lam Hok Him got the champion and Hong Kong Percussion Centre Trophy. Form 2 Chan Ho Kiu came second and Form 3 Fu Cheuk Han Yvonne came 3rd.

東華 三 院 黃 笏 南 中學

Our students have participated in the 72nd Hong Kong Schools Speech Festival and the results are as follows: English Speech F.1 Girls Solo Verse Speaking: 1A 18 Lui Pak Yi (Champion) 1E 17 Kao Hsiao Yu (1st runner up) 1A 6 Cheung Tsz Wun (1st runner up) 1A 16 Lin Shiu Chung (Merit) F.1 Boys […]

東華 三 院 黃 笏 南 中學

Our Form 5 student Lau Hoi Lok has joined 2021 Hong Kong Secondary School IT Knowledge Challenge and won the Bronze Award. The competition was organized by Department of Information Technology, Hong Kong Institute of Vocational Education (Lee Wai Lee). Over 700 students from more than 200 secondary schools participated in the competition and Hoi […]

東華 三 院 黃 笏 南 中學

Two F.1 students Liao Huixian and Mok Wing Kiu have participated in a Chinese Writing Competition (共建美好家園·第二屆全港青少年徵文比賽) organized by Hong Kong Tai Kung Wen Wei Media Group. With over 350 participants, our students won Merit Awards. Congratulations to all the students.

東華 三 院 黃 笏 南 中學

Two of our students, Lau Hoi Lok from F.5 and Jong Yuk Wan from F.4 have joined Hong Kong Cyber Security New Generation Capture the Flag Challenge 2020 and won the Bronze Award. The competition was organized by Hong Kong Computer Emergency Response Team Coordination Centre (HKCERT) and Hong Kong Productivity Council (HKPC). Congratulations to […]

東華 三 院 黃 笏 南 中學

Our Form 5 student Lau Hoi Lok has joined Cyber Security Competition 2020/21 and won the Gold Award. The competition was organized by the Cyber Security and Technology Crime Bureau of the Force. Congratulations to the student.

東華 三 院 黃 笏 南 中學

Fifteen F.4 students have participated in the URA x TWGHs Young Leaders Programme. In this programme, they designed a proposal named as “Time․Base (時光․基地)” to connect the local community of 7 Mallory Street, a revitalized building of the Urban Renewal Authority in Wan Chai. Their proposal has won the “Most Connective Community Award” and Chow […]

東華 三 院 黃 笏 南 中學

Our school’s Athletics Team was crowned overall champion in this year’s TWGHs Joint Secondary School Athletics Meet. Boys Team has captured the Overall Championship for TEN consecutive years while Girls Team also captured the Overall Championship for SEVEN consecutive years. We won a total of 24 champions (including all six relay races), 18 first runner-ups, […]

東華 三 院 黃 笏 南 中學

It is our great honour that our student Au Yeung Lok Sam has been invited to perform together with The Hong Kong Philharmonic Orchestra (HK Phil) in 2019. He is the saxophone soloist performing in the concert “A Musical Encounter with the HK Phil”. We would like to express our gratitude to our school manager, […]

東華 三 院 黃 笏 南 中學

To foster students’ collaboration and critical thinking skills, some of our students were selected to join the robotics competition organized by Kowloon City Home Affairs Department and Hong Kong Youth Industrialists. In the competition, they were required to design a robot and set up a game booth. They enjoyed the event much and won “Best […]

東華 三 院 黃 笏 南 中學

Organized by ATE STEM Education Centre, our students joined the Model Airship Design Competition held on 7 July 2019. Through the competition, they could develop not only their creativity, but also their collaboration and problem solving skills. They actively participated in it and won the following prizes: 1st Runner-up on Outlook Design: Form 3 Hung […]

東華 三 院 黃 笏 南 中學

Our Form 5 student Chan Chun Hang won First Prize in Osaka International Music Competition and Championship in the Winner Concert. He will represent Hong Kong and compete in grand final in Osaka, Japan coming October. Congratulation to Chan Chun Hang and thanks to teacher advisor Ms. Put.

東華 三 院 黃 笏 南 中學

Our Form 3 students participated in TWGHs Joint Secondary Schools Outstanding GIS Application Competition and won first runner-up. They used ArcGis Online and Survey 123 to study the rodent problem in Sham Shui Po District. Congratulation to the students and thanks for teacher advisor Mr. Kwok and Ms. Tang.

東華 三 院 黃 笏 南 中學

Our school has achieved the Excellence Art of Education in HK Inter-School of 8th World Children Art Awards 2019. Our student Lam Hei Yiu also won 1st Runner Up in Junior Secondary Group. Congratulation to the student and thanks to teacher advisor Ms. Yeung.

東華 三 院 黃 笏 南 中學

Our school football team won the first runner-up for Boys C Grade Football Competition organized by The Hong Kong Schools Sports Federation. Congratulation to the Football Team and thanks to teacher advisor Mr. Lee.

東華 三 院 黃 笏 南 中學

Our school orchestra won the Gold Award at Joint School Music Competition, Full Orchestra (Secondary Section), organized by Joint School Music Association. Congratulations to the orchestra and thank you to their conductor Mr. Ma and teacher advisor Ms. Put.

東華 三 院 黃 笏 南 中學

Our school intermediate band won the Silver Award at Joint School Music Competition, Ensemble (Woodwind), organized by Joint School Music Association. Congratulations to the orchestra and thank you to their conductor Gary and teacher advisor Ms. Put.

東華 三 院 黃 笏 南 中學

Our students (Yeung Hung Wai David, Lam Sing Fung, Chow Kit Fung, Li Tsz Hin, Yang Junrong) participated Forty Years of Reform and Opening-up Project Learning Award Scheme organized by Education Bureau and got satisfactory result. Our students won Merit award in junior secondary group and had chances to present their project to the Secretary […]

東華 三 院 黃 笏 南 中學

The “TWGHs Scholarship Presentation Ceremony” was held on 23 March 2019 at our school, presenting the “TWGHs 148th Anniversary Scholarship” and 6 other TWGHs scholarships to 30 students who were admitted to tertiary institutions with outstanding performance in the 2018 Hong Kong Diploma of Secondary Education Examination, so as to encourage them to keep up […]

東華 三 院 黃 笏 南 中學

Our Form 4 student Luk Ka Chun won Gold Award in World Class Arena Elite Competition 2019 organized by World Class Tests (WCT). WCT is an international benchmarking assessment that evaluates the higher order thinking abilities of students in areas such as analytical thinking, critical thinking and creativity. Congratulation to the student and thanks to […]

東華 三 院 黃 笏 南 中學

Our school’s Athletic Team took part in the final of the Division One Inter-school Athletics Competition, which was the fiercest competition among the best young local athletes, on 8th March, 2019 at Wan Chai Sports Ground. Sitting in the bleachers, our cheering team cheered for the athletes at deafening volume, waving their cheering sticks. Our […]

東華 三 院 黃 笏 南 中學

Our students (Leung Yu Hin, Tsang Sze Nga, Au Yeung Wah, Fung Long Yin Ronald, Cheung Tsau Man and Chan Tsz Chung) won the Champion of the Bridge Demonstration Competition organized by The Civil and Environmental Engineering Students’ Society in 2019. Congratulation to the students and thanks to advisors Mr. Leung Shu Kei and Mr. […]

東華 三 院 黃 笏 南 中學

Our school choir is pleased to announce that they won first-runner up in the 71st Music Festival for competition “Secondary School Choir – Foreign Language – Mixed Voice – Second Division – Junior, Age 14 or under, treble voice only”. Congratulations to the choir and thank you to their conductor Janice and teacher advisor Ms. […]

東華 三 院 黃 笏 南 中學

Our school Cross Country Team won the following prizes in the TWGHs Joint School Cross Country Competition Overall Champion Overall Boys First Runner-up Overall Girls Champion Boys Senior Third Runner-up Boys Junior Champion Girls Senior First Runner-up Girls Junior Champion

東華 三 院 黃 笏 南 中學

Our school Cross Country Boy’s Team won the following prizes in the Inter-school Cross Country Competition (Division 2) Grade C Champion Individual Prize: Wong Kwun Hang Grade A First Runner-up So Theodore Clement Grade C First Runner-up

東華 三 院 黃 笏 南 中學

Our Athletics Team is pleased to announce that they have won the Third Runner-up in C Grade Inter-School Athletics Competition organized by South China Athletic Association held on 25 November 2018. Congratulations to the team and thanks to their teacher advisors, Mr Lee Koon Sang, Ms Wong Sze Ni and the coaches.

東華 三 院 黃 笏 南 中學

Our school Cross Country Girl’s Team won the following prizes in the Inter-school Cross Country Competition (Division 3) Overall Champion Grade A Second Runner-up Grade B First Runner-up Grade C First Runner-up

東華 三 院 黃 笏 南 中學

Our Campus TV members (Lam Ka Kit, Chan Ka Hei, Lau Hoi Lok Ian, Chow Kit Fung) won the “Best Short Film Award” and “Best Technique Award” in the Fire Safety Video Competition 2018 organized by Hong Kong Fire Services Department, Kowloon City District Home Affairs Department, District Fire Safety Committee (Kowloon City District) and […]

東華 三 院 黃 笏 南 中學

Sit Wai Lok won Division 1 Shot put Gold with a new record at Inter-school Athletics Competition.

東華 三 院 黃 笏 南 中學

Tsang Sze Nga, Chan Tsz Chung, Cheng Wai Hei, Chow Hong Kiu, Ho King Hin, Tai Tsz Lok And Law Ka Ki participated Secondary Schools Bridge Demonstration Competition organized by The Hong Kong University of Science and Technology Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering and won Best Design and Presentation Award.

東華 三 院 黃 笏 南 中學

Our students won 3 awards (Presentation Award, Written Group Project Award and the Grand ESD Award) from the UNESCO Hong Kong Association ESD Learning Programme 2017/18.

東華 三 院 黃 笏 南 中學

Our students (Au Yeung Lok Sam, Chan Chun Hang, Lam Yu On Kelly and He Hing Yi) won Champion at Woodwind Ensemble Competition of the 70th Music Festival.

東華 三 院 黃 笏 南 中學

Our school Percussion Ensemble won Silver Prize in the 3rd Hong Kong Percussion Awards organized by The Hong Kong Federation of Youth Groups.

東華 三 院 黃 笏 南 中學

Our form 6 student Au Yeung Lok Sam recently has been selected and offered a scholarship after a serious and competitive audition by the 70th Hong Kong Speech and Music Festival Executive Committee to participate in the European Youth Summer Music Camp(EYSM) at St Catherine’s School, Surrey of The United Kingdom.

東華 三 院 黃 笏 南 中學

Our form 3 student Ho Yat Hei won silver prize in this international awards with high-calibre competitors from Mainland China, Taiwan and Hong Kong.

東華 三 院 黃 笏 南 中學

Our form 6 student Leung Tsun Yin won Outstanding Students’ Award in Kowloon Region Outstanding Students celebrating his outstanding performance in academic, extra-curricular activities and social services.

東華 三 院 黃 笏 南 中學

Tung Wah Group of Hospitals hosted the prize presentation in our school Auditorium celebrating the students' success in HKDSE examinations and other achievements.