你 的 西域 我 的 東 土








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你 的 西域 我 的 東 土

























疆獨是一件事,歷史是一件事,你可以說想成立東土耳其斯坦,但別創造一個歷史上不存在的名詞。<br><strong>戴珍珠, 台灣</strong><br/>

这是为数不多的理性公正的好文章<br><strong>孔东辉, </strong><br/>

“孟光,Hong Kong”着实孤陋寡闻,张骞通西域的时候维吾尔族还没形成呢;“新疆”之名得于清朝乾隆时期。自己历史没学好,还说“新疆由來都是維族人而非漢人的祖居地”,还说中共“断然”,岂不可笑。

<br><strong>MrZhZh, 北京</strong><br/>

@孟光多读点历史,汉人在新疆种地的时候, 维族的祖宗还在蒙古草原放羊呢。比汉人早到新疆的全灭绝了,所以新疆自古以来是汉人的土地;

新疆是“十字路口”,自古就是各民族混居之地。目前所知而言,最早进入今新疆的居民中,比较确信的是前2000年左右时东迁的一支印欧人,和西迁的当时的甘青文化。更早的居民即便有也很少。那之后,新疆来来去去的有汉人、诸突厥民系(比如突厥诸部、回鹘人等)、蒙古人等等,还有后迁入的锡伯族等等。杂居情况一直保持。总的来说,北疆以游牧民族为主,南疆以绿洲农业民族为主。如果还分出东疆的话,则与中原常有政治和文化上的联系。<br><strong>孟光同学, </strong><br/>


<strong>孟光, Hong Kong</strong><br/>

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你 的 西域 我 的 東 土

Apr 19, 2012 Daniel rated it it was amazing

Wang Lixiong provides a realistic and unbiased view of current socio-economic and inter-ethnic problems in Xinjiang. He describes a dangerous situation of ethnic groups leading lives increasingly separated from each other and with ever less mutual understanding, trust and sympathy for each other and actually an increasing conflict potential. Chinese authorities have banned the book but I hope that politicians will still read it.

The Xinjiang problem Wang sees basically refers to a potential confl

Wang Lixiong provides a realistic and unbiased view of current socio-economic and inter-ethnic problems in Xinjiang. He describes a dangerous situation of ethnic groups leading lives increasingly separated from each other and with ever less mutual understanding, trust and sympathy for each other and actually an increasing conflict potential. Chinese authorities have banned the book but I hope that politicians will still read it.

The Xinjiang problem Wang sees basically refers to a potential conflict between the Han Chinese or the Chinese state on the one hand and the local people, especially the Uyghurs on the other hand. There is a basic distrust of the other on both sides and even hatred of the Han on the Uyghur side. The Han Chinese are described to behave and be seen by local people as colonizers. They are dominant in economic activities and administration. The Han are the main beneficiaries of the policies to open up and develop the west of China. This policy is actually meant to appease the local minorities by giving them higher living standards. However, the central government seems to fail to understand that the basic problem is not an economic one, but a political one. The system, policies and demographic trends (Han immigration) seem to put the local people in an increasingly disadvantaged position. With adequate channels and rights to address these problems, distrust and hatred gradually builds up in the minority communities.. and might sooner or later explode.

Wang was arrested while researching for this book. He describes the whole experience in the book. The arrest was probably triggered by his obtaining a 'secret' document for his research, but the actual reason was never revealed to him. Wang became desperate when he found out that the interrogators were trying to make him blame or ‘sell’ other people. Unable to deal with the pressure and the prospect of bringing others in trouble, he decided to commit suicide. His attempt failed and after leaving hospital, he was brought to a state prison, where he met Mokhtar, an Uyghur intellectual. Ironically, although he was apparently imprisoned for his research of the XJ problem, his time in the prison enabled him to get a much better understanding of this problem.

The chapter "Conversations with Mokhtar" Wang gives the reader an Uyghur perspective of the XJ problem. The chapter (similar to the first chapter but in a more detailed and more worrying way) describes the basic distrust and hatred between the local people and the Han Chinese. Mokhtar makes a case for an independent East Turkestan and argues that the majority of Uyghurs want independence – either for political/historic or for religious reasons. He is generally optimistic that independence is achievable, although it may come at a considerable cost of human life. He does not totally reject a middle way, but wants a very high level of autonomy (even including passport controls) that would not be acceptable for the Beijing government. He says that Uyghurs are waiting for an opportunity, such as a tumultous democratisation process, to demand independence. He thinks that China would not be able to prevent a secession of East Turkestan in this situation, Wang disagrees with this, arguing that XJ’s Han Chinese would be able and willing to fend off any such attempt even without help from inner China, given their economic power and paramilitary organisations.

The last chapter consists of letter to Mokhtar, explaining Wang’s position on the Xinjiang problem. Interestingly, he does not think that an independent East Turkestan would be beneficial even to the Uyghurs. He argues that given the ethnic fragmentation of Xinjiang, it would be difficult to govern as an independent state, making it unlikely that the Uyghurs would be in a position dominant enough to rule to country without being challenged by the Han Chinese in East Turkestan or the various other minorities. Kazakhs or Mongol might in turn demand independence from East Turkestan. The Han Chinese might still dominate the cities and the economy. He is also concerned that the election of local rulers in a democratic system as Mokhtar favours it would result in polarisation between different ethnic groups. As a result of these concerns, Wang seems to favour a solution within China.


你 的 西域 我 的 東 土

Jun 25, 2021 Jack Chu rated it it was amazing

The corruption of the authoritarian regime is so serious. If everyone pay one extra penny, the corresponding officials can embezzle tens of millions.

你 的 西域 我 的 東 土

Jan 01, 2022 蔡 偉傑 rated it liked it

《我的西域,你的東土》可說是王力雄研究新疆問題的代表作。其實這本書已經出版了一段時間,只是之前一直沒有機會入手。這次趁著今年暑假回臺灣的機會,在政大巨流書城連同《天葬》一併購入。 2002年時去了一趟新疆,當時曾經對疆獨這個課題感到興趣。不過後來考慮到田調的困難以及潛在的風險,所以後來放棄了這個念頭。不過對於維吾爾族的興趣並沒有因此而減退。

王力雄這本書受到許多廣大讀者的推崇。目前的中文相關研究中,這本書的確是不可多得的著作。作者在獄中結識了維族朋友穆合塔爾。使得他有機會接觸到其他的維族朋友。這讓我聯想到Clifford Geertz在爪哇島上研究鬥雞時,在警察取締時與當地人一同逃跑後,他才被當地人所接受的經歷。這種共同受難的經歷,似乎普遍存在於外來者如何進入地方脈絡的過程中。這大概跟自己當兵時和同袍的革命情感類似吧。

另外,他認為民族問題並不是透過民主就可以解決的。特別是在今日的中國與新疆,維漢對立事實上是中共宣傳的自我應驗預言(self-fulfilling prophecy)。即使未來中國能夠民主化,現況可能不會更好,反而還會惡化。因為上臺的執政黨為了利用民族主義號召群眾支持,恐怕沒

《我的西域,你的東土》可說是王力雄研究新疆問題的代表作。其實這本書已經出版了一段時間,只是之前一直沒有機會入手。這次趁著今年暑假回臺灣的機會,在政大巨流書城連同《天葬》一併購入。 2002年時去了一趟新疆,當時曾經對疆獨這個課題感到興趣。不過後來考慮到田調的困難以及潛在的風險,所以後來放棄了這個念頭。不過對於維吾爾族的興趣並沒有因此而減退。

王力雄這本書受到許多廣大讀者的推崇。目前的中文相關研究中,這本書的確是不可多得的著作。作者在獄中結識了維族朋友穆合塔爾。使得他有機會接觸到其他的維族朋友。這讓我聯想到Clifford Geertz在爪哇島上研究鬥雞時,在警察取締時與當地人一同逃跑後,他才被當地人所接受的經歷。這種共同受難的經歷,似乎普遍存在於外來者如何進入地方脈絡的過程中。這大概跟自己當兵時和同袍的革命情感類似吧。

另外,他認為民族問題並不是透過民主就可以解決的。特別是在今日的中國與新疆,維漢對立事實上是中共宣傳的自我應驗預言(self-fulfilling prophecy)。即使未來中國能夠民主化,現況可能不會更好,反而還會惡化。因為上臺的執政黨為了利用民族主義號召群眾支持,恐怕沒有太多空間允許新疆的維吾爾族高度自治甚至獨立。另外在與Gardner Bovington教授的討論中,我和他有同樣的憂慮,即中國的崛起以及其帶給中國政府與漢族高漲的自信心,恐怕不利於對現有路線的檢討與反思。


另外,Gardner Bovington教授的博士論文《維吾爾人:故土上的陌生人》(The Uyghurs: Strangers in Their Own Land)即將於今年8月17日出版。目前已在Amazon網站預購,等到入手拜讀之後,也許再另外寫一篇感想吧。

Aug 10, 2010


你 的 西域 我 的 東 土

Jun 22, 2020 Renjia Huang rated it really liked it

The book mainly consists of the writer’s personal experience traveling in the region. Lot of anecdotal accounts. The overall narrative of the boon didn’t take the systematic and academic approach, as the writer had lost his access to any files after his untimely arrest. It’s a good attempt by a Han writer to explore life and problem in the region. Unfortunately and understandably he could only get the voice from the Uighur side through the man he befriended in the jail. The book was written arou The book mainly consists of the writer’s personal experience traveling in the region. Lot of anecdotal accounts. The overall narrative of the boon didn’t take the systematic and academic approach, as the writer had lost his access to any files after his untimely arrest. It’s a good attempt by a Han writer to explore life and problem in the region. Unfortunately and understandably he could only get the voice from the Uighur side through the man he befriended in the jail. The book was written around the time of September 11th terrorist attack, when the world had started to adopt a more skeptical view on Islam and terrorism. Much has changed, and much hasn’t been changed since the release of the book, I wish there’s an updated version of this book to include more recent events. ...more

你 的 西域 我 的 東 土

Sep 01, 2018 健康 刘 rated it really liked it

travel journal like peter hessler's observation
.not as systematic as author's masterpiece about tibet
travel journal like peter hessler's observation
.not as systematic as author's masterpiece about tibet

你 的 西域 我 的 東 土

Aug 19, 2022 Ryo rated it really liked it


你 的 西域 我 的 東 土

Mar 04, 2014 Keren Zhu rated it really liked it

having read what happened in Kunming, I read and book. Meant to mark it as read on douban-- the Chinese version of goodreads, but realized that this penetrating book about ethnicity, state, and boundary and the rarely heard voice of the constructed 'Other', which was long banned in Mainland China, is not in record. What a shame. Deeply touched by the author's courage and integrity. having read what happened in Kunming, I read and book. Meant to mark it as read on douban-- the Chinese version of goodreads, but realized that this penetrating book about ethnicity, state, and boundary and the rarely heard voice of the constructed 'Other', which was long banned in Mainland China, is not in record. What a shame. Deeply touched by the author's courage and integrity. ...more

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