
�ϰ����Ӣ�ģ�first half of a year���°����Ӣ�ģ�latter half of the year

half  ���� Ӣ [h��ːf]  �� [hæf] 

1��n. һ�룻�볡����ѧ��

2��adv. һ��أ����ֵ�

3��adj. һ��ģ�����ȫ�ģ���;��


1��half and half һ��һ�룻��ռһ�룻�ڽ�������

2��the half of it �������(���鷳��)��һ���֣�����Ҫ����һ����  

3��half off ������




2��half of������ʻ����������ʱ,���ʵ���Ӧ�������ʻ���ʶ�������������ʻ�����Ǹ�����ʽ,������ν�ﶯ���ø�����ʽ; ��֮,���õ�����ʽ��

3��half���ӽ��of,��Ϊ������һ�롱, of��ɽӳ��ߴ硢������������ʻ���ʡ�halfǰһ�㲻�ö��ڴ�,���������ݴʻ��൱�����ݴʵĴ�ȷ�еر�ʾ����̸�۵���һ����ʱ,�ſɼӶ��ڴʡ�


half, half of���ߵĹ�ͬ��˼�ǡ�һ�롱��

1��ǰ�ߵ���˼�ǡ�һ��(��)�ġ�,�����ݴ�; ���ߵĺ����ǡ�һ�������,�����ʡ�ǰ�߲����ڡ��; ���߲����ڡ�������



阿拉伯语 德语 英语 西班牙语 法语 希伯来语 意大利语 日语 荷兰语 波兰语 葡萄牙语 罗马尼亚语 俄语 瑞典语 土耳其语 乌克兰语 中文


同义词 阿拉伯语 德语 英语 西班牙语 法语 希伯来语 意大利语 日语 荷兰语 波兰语 葡萄牙语 罗马尼亚语 俄语 瑞典语 土耳其语 乌克兰语 中文 乌克兰语

"在今年下半年,两枚导弹从东部开始. 然后拜科努尔进行满负荷每年几启动", - 他在Twitter上写道:微博.

"In the second half of the year, two missiles will start from the East. Then Baikonur proceeds at full load for several starts per year", - He wrote in his microblog on Twitter.


Yongqing's new airport which was started to construct in the second half of the year will become yet another force for development.


到今年下半年,客户将可以在会议邀请中直接看到与会者的 LinkedIn 信息。

Microsoft also announced that, later this year, customers will be able to see LinkedIn information about the people they're meeting with directly in meeting invites.


The winners will be recognized in a ceremony at FAO in Rome later this year.

这两个模块化应用将于今年下半年,作为 Dynamics 365 for Talent 版的一部分推出。

Both will be available as part of Dynamics 365 for Talent later this year.

今年下半年将是非常关键的阶段,很多政府部门都开始制订改造方案或发出招标公共 。

The second half of this year will be a very critical stage, many government departments have begun to develop rehabilitation programs or tender has been issued by public.


The Bank of Korea has frozen its key interest rate again and lowered its growth outlook for the second half of this year.


If it carries on rising at this pace there will be more than a million jobless young people later this year.


He reportedly confessed to the crime and is expected to go on trial later this year.


The Council likewise affirmed the call to hold another joint meeting in the second half of this year.


Later this year elections for the post of district mayor and other municipal officials will be held.


Further policy initiatives and legislative changes will be introduced later this year to improve housing affordability.


Regarding the work programme of the second half of this year, we now have 42 detainees in Arusha.


It will then be considered by the Senate (upper House) with a view to its enactment later this year.


Insiders predict that the second half of this year, the new energy battery production capacity will be further released.