Fifty Shades of Grey 意思

What's the perfect gift for fans still all tied up in "Fifty Shades of Grey"? A new book, of course.

Fifty Shades of Grey 意思

Writer E.L. James announced on her Instagram account Monday that a new "Fifty Shades" book told from hero Christian Grey's perspective will be published June 18. The release of "Grey: Fifty Shades of Grey as Told by Christian" coincides with a very special day for one of the main characters of James' wildly successful franchise.
《五十度灰》系列作者E.L.詹姆斯近日在Instagram上宣布,一本以《五十度灰》男主角克里斯蒂安•格雷视角讲述二人故事的新书将于6月18 日面世。新书《格雷:克里斯蒂安视角下的五十度灰》的发行日期正好是片中主角生命中很特别的日子。电影《五十度灰》上映后取得了极大成功。

"For those of you who have asked, Christian's POV of #FSOG is published on 18th June for his birthday," the post says. "It's called GREY... I hope you enjoy it."

"Christian is a complex character and readers have always been fascinated by his desires and motivations, and his troubled past. Also, as anyone who has ever been in a relationship knows, there are two sides to every story," James said in a statement posted on her site. "It's been a great pleasure to return to my happy place-writing, being with Christian and Ana in their universe, and working with the fantastic team at Vintage."
“克里斯蒂安是个复杂的角色,一直以来读者们被他的欲望和动机,以及他纠结的过往所吸引。而且谈过恋爱的人都知道,双方对同一件事情的看法可能是完全不同 的,”她在网站上说到。“能再次执笔,回到克里斯蒂安和安娜的世界里,并能再次和杰出的团队一起合作实在令我激动万分。”

 The trilogy of "Fifty Shades of Grey," "Fifty Shades Darker" and "Fifty Shades Freed" caught Hollywood's attention, and the first book was made into one of the most highly anticipated films of 2015. The film stars Jamie Dornan as Christian and Dakota Johnson as his love interest, Anastasia. It's made more than $166 million since its release February 14.

The sequel, "FIfty Shades Darker," is set to arrive in theaters in 2017.

(英文来源:CNN 译者:FNU张逸洋 编辑:马文英)

The Fifty Shades of Grey actor, 34, has previously spoken out about how much he hated himself without any facial fluff.


Drama, Romance, Thriller, 2015 Fifty Shades of Grey

Young people are told how to behave not only by their teachers and parents but also, increasingly, by the government and religious authorities. Recent decrees have included prohibitions on yoga, the celebration of Halloween and smoking shisha, or water pipes. Newspapers and television shows are routinely censored, and in February, both the film and the novel "Fifty Shades of Grey" were banned, even though the book had been sold openly for three years.

不仅是老师和家长们谆谆告诫年轻人应该怎样做,政府和宗教权威也愈来愈多地教诲他们。最近政府颁布法令,禁止练瑜伽、庆祝万圣节和抽水烟袋。报纸和电视节目经常遭到审查,二月,《五十度灰》(Fifty Shades of Grey)的小说和电影都被禁了,此前三年里这本书一直都在公开发售。

With the release of "The Divergent Series: Insurgent" over the weekend, women have delivered the three biggest live-action openings of the year. The audience for "Insurgent," which took in an estimated $54 million from Friday to Sunday, was 60 percent female. The opening-weekend crowd for "Fifty Shades of Grey" was 67 percent female, and women made up 66 percent of the audience for "Cinderella."

本年度最轰动的三次真人电影上映周末都是由女性观众制造的,上周末的《反叛者》(The Divergent Series: Insurgent)是最新的一次。《反叛者》从周五到周日约赚得5400万美元票房,观众中有60%是女性。《五十度灰》(Fifty Shades of Grey)上映那个周末的观众中有67%是女性;《灰姑娘》(Cinderella)的观众中有66%是女性。

Even Target, one of the nation's largest retailers, recently began selling an official "Fifty Shades of Grey" "vibrating love ring," an item intended for wear by men, but not on the finger.


Lovehoney products even made their way into Target in December, where its line of "Fifty Shades of Grey" candles, lubricant and blindfolds upset some parents a few weeks ago at a store where some items were stocked right next to Captain America toothbrushes.


The first film in the series, Fifty Shades of Grey, grossed over $571 million at the global box office. Darker opens Feb. 10, 2017.


Fifty Shades of Grey s Jamie Dornan is a poster boy for the full beard.


The singer, who once said his biggest influence was Michael Jackson, has received three Grammy Awards, including Best Urban Contemporary Album for Starboy. He was nominated for an Academy Award in Best Original Song in 2016, for the song "Earned It" in Fifty Shades of Grey.

威肯曾经说过对他最大影响力的歌手是迈克尔杰克逊,他曾获得过三项格莱美奖,其中Starboy获得格莱美最佳当代都会专辑。他在2016年曾因电影五十度灰的插曲"Earned It"获得奥斯卡最佳原创歌曲提名。

But with the Valentine's Day weekend premiere of "Fifty Shades of Grey," many of the tie-ins to the film are for adults only.

但是将于情人节周末首映的《五十度灰》(Fifty Shades of Grey)捆绑销售的许多物品都是只为成人准备的。

There have been opportunities she's turned down, too. Clarke refused the role of Anastasia Steele in "Fifty Shades of Grey" because she didn't want to be labeled for doing nudity.

当然, 也有被她拒掉的机会. 克莱克拒掉了安娜斯塔西娅斯蒂尔在电影《五十度灰》中的角色, 因为她并不想被冠以只会演裸戏的名头.

The movie will not be as graphic as the book. Neal Slateford, a co-founder of Lovehoney, the only company that has the rights to make the official "Fifty Shades of Grey" adult products sold in Target and elsewhere, does not expect certain toys used in the book's steamiest scenes to appear in the movie.

电影不会像书那样生动形象。Lovehoney公司是唯一一家获官方许可,为《五十度灰》生产成人用品的公司,并可将这些产品在Target等公司出售。Lovehoney的联合创始人尼尔·斯雷特福特(Neal Slatefod)说,公司不指望书中某些最情色、使用了某些特定道具的场景会出现在电影中。

The film is also the highest-grossing ever for a female director. Patty Jenkins surpassed the previous record of $85.1million for Sam Taylor-Johnson's Fifty Shades of Grey in February 2016. It would be a huge achievement for Patty Jenkins and the first comic film with a female lead in years.

这部电影也是有史以来由女性导演执导的影片中首映票房收入最高的一部. 帕蒂·詹金斯已超过了先前的纪录持有者萨姆·泰勒-约翰逊, 她执导的《五十度灰》在2016年2月获得了8510万美元的票房收入. 对帕蒂·詹金斯而言, 这将是一项巨大的成就, 而且这部影片也是几年内第一部由女性执导的动画电影.

This is the landscape in which "Fifty Shades of Grey" has found its audience, with a story almost perfectly suited to this dream: A fantasy of being chased, seduced and whipped by an embodiment of the. percent, a man who's dangerous but not too dangerous, thrillingly Caligulan but ultimately vulnerable, and who proves himself to be a caring spouse and father in the end.


With the release of the much-anticipated film adaptation of the best-selling novel Fifty Shades of Grey on 13 February, we thought that it might be time to take a look in the Oxford English Dictionary (OED) and see how many shades of grey we could dig up. As it turns out, the OED gives EL James a run for the money, offering up more than 80 different synonyms for 'grey'. We have picked out fifty of them here for you to peruse

随着2月13日这部众所期待的, 由畅销小说《五十度灰》电影改编的电影上映, 我们觉得也许是时候看看能从《牛津词典》挖掘多少"五十度灰"("灰"的表达). 事实证明, 《牛津词典》给予EL·詹姆斯发达的资本 - 提供了80多个"灰"的同义词. 我们选取了其中的50个供你细细考究:

Jetske Visser collected this soot and turned it into a pigment. She applied a subtle fan of fifty shades of grey to a piece of cloth, turning waste material into the stuff of visual poetry.

叶似珂(Jetske Visser)将收集起来的烟尘变成颜料,在一块布匹上绘画出由五十道阴影组成的精致扇形图案,将废料变成充满诗意的视觉体验。

Fifty Shades of Grey: Everything You Need to Know

OFFICIAL NEWS: Kelly Marcel will be the scriptwriter of Fifty Shades of Grey

AND' of a few hours ago a sympathetic producer Dana Brunetti tweets, that answers a follower, who looking for news about the film "Fifty Shades of Grey".


首先(格雷)Grey男主角的名字,将其译成“灰”可以说暗示着人物的两面性(SORREN),虽说能和之后的“黑”有承接关系,但是与后面的“飞”也构不成承接关系。 繁体版的则直接将“性虐待”当做小说的主题,难免以偏概全。


《格雷的五十道阴影》(英语:Fifty Shades of Grey一部2015年上映的美国情色爱情电影,根据E·L·詹姆丝的同名小说改编而成。 由萨姆·泰勒-约翰逊执导,凯利·马塞尔编剧,并由达科塔·约翰逊、詹米·多南、珍妮佛·艾莉以及马西雅·盖·哈登主演。