解夢號碼 2022

夢境數字嬰兒、老鼠、祖母、天空、金桶、金色、老伯伯、放聲大哭、打牌吵架、香菇、炸彈、薯條 01 鳥屋、母親、飛機、小湯匙、吃飯、黑色、小鴨、郵筒、小孩子、電影票、水桶、粽子、蜈蚣咬人 02 洋娃娃、陌生人、葫蘆、大衣、下棋、早晨、很多貓咪、爺爺、蝴蝶、水管、水龍頭、水溝、婆婆、鬼怪、媽祖生日、飛翔 03 大海、昆蟲、打鼓、考試、螞蟻、女孩、水族館、禮物、零時、電梯、大鼓、床、兔子、燒餅、倉庫、電視、鱷魚、門、井、水鬼抓交替、地下室 04 中藥、馬、梅花、跳舞、外套、 耗子、手機、龍眼、筒簫、外套 05 笛子、公園、芒果、蛇、水流、外國人、斷成一半、豆花、書 06 妻子、黃金、橋梁、卡片、鐵鎚、龍、土地婆、長槍、餵奶、腳、尼姑、名片、水草、綜藝大姐大、白鯧魚、呼啦圈、肥 07 晚餐、水牛、司機、櫃台、帽子、魚類、螃蟹、腳踏車、開車、大白鯊、白色、簽牌、白飯、玉米、哭的很傷心、眼鏡、硬幣、蟑螂、大圓桌、火雞追人、貔貅、簽牌 08 犬、神父、頭戴物、爬山、神明、老人、廟、血、游泳圈、紅色、腳踏車 09 新屋、打架、一個人、當兵、謀殺、死亡、石頭、雞蛋、老師、 同學、 演員、小孩小便、一桶水、錢、戒指、布袋、圓盆、玩具車、剖開、下蛋、白芝麻、球、烤雞 10 幼兒、香蕉、雙腳、拉小提琴、風雨交加、兩根釘子、油條、警察、警車、ㄧ雙鞋子、兩棵榕樹、腳踏車、加油、消防隊 11 大貓、大船、大象、印刷、黃昏、地震、小孩子玩鞦韆、兒子、頭頂青天、牛 12 小肚兜、捲電線死亡事件、圍裙、墳場、一個香爐、三太子黃色的袍子、一隻松鼠、招財貓、雨傘、打牌、大鵬鳥 13 擦屎、醫師、獵人、小孩、修女、鐵門、出殯、樹、甘蔗園、去世、一隻貓、玉蜀黍、廁所、燒餅油條 、馬路、工作、掛掉、商店、甘蔗園、口袋、墳墓、獅子、棺 14 大斧頭、竹籬笆、土地公、老師、老朋友、麒麟、龍玉、手拿棍子、打架、拖鞋、眼鏡、老公 15 書籍、錄音機、棉物、風雲變色、青草茶、果汁、青草 16 廟、被子、教堂、女人、唱歌、劍、雞翅、姐姐、 魚類 、女兒、開槍、手術刀、明星、開槍、身懷六甲、馬尾頭、洗澡、牽小朋友 17 父親、藝術家、男人、一束花、男子、紅色機車、出港、進港、水上機車、鳳梨、米 18 酒吧、日記、電線桿、蘋果、酒家、舅舅、小貓 、吧台、輪胎、飛蛾、小姑、神仙、小狗 19 機場、靈異事件、油、迷宮、救人、鬼怪、敵人、火災、 煙草 、哭泣、三輪車坐兩人、水餃、眼睛 20 酒、木匠、和尚、餐飲店、背包、電腦版、指頭 、農場的牛、 檜木木削、蜜蜂、香蕉、內衣 21 眼睛、科技產品、雨傘、港邊、警察、飛機廠、偷東西、變醜、變胖、二個人各拿一對、火災、電線走火、軍人、濟公師父 22 指頭、內衣、葡萄、男孩、乳牛、地圖、吵架、眼睛、 科技產品 、兩隻獅子、黑豹、港邊、下雨、眼睛裡有髒東西 23 香菸、哭泣、客廳、香爐、殺人、酒 、木匠 、下雨、二輛貨車、餐飲店家、兩張長木板、兩人在房間 、兩人在車上、背包、香煙盒、電腦版 24 新娘、草地、針線、嘔吐、同事、懷孕、愛人、廚師、 打球、一輛救護車、生氣、銅板、龍、牛 25 旅館、丟垃圾、胖妻、錢、正午、號碼、收音機、醫生、嘔吐、同事、賭博、外籍新娘、考試 26 盛水容器、洋蔥、風和日麗、山崩、汽車旅館、 丟垃圾、 胖妻、兩位婆媳、號碼、二嫂、二姐、收音機、貝殼 27 熨斗、下午、飾品、 廚師、很多小男生、出外景、湯藥、鰻魚、馬桶、廟、婦人、女生MC、鱉 28 住家位址、祖父母、墳墓、水果、老闆 29 歌手、演員、門、喪事、盛水容器 、洋蔥 、黃色的福特車、山崩、競選遊行車隊、空中纜車、森林、泳游池、山上、峽谷、零食、山洞、白色包包 30 皇宮、律師、豪華飯店、床、城堡、沙發、大胸部、筆、血流不止、商店、店員、水果、老闆、頭七、蠶、麵包店 31 信件、鐵軌、吊車、背靠背、飛機失事、扣子 、植物 、豬頭 32 修車、壁爐、開刀、打球、昏天暗地、財庫、陽台、黑色服裝、黑女人、 漁夫 、大狗、 山上、 法庭、鳳凰鳥 33 狗、睡著、菊花、求救、黑夜、神將、演藝人員、 歌手、二隻大石虎、喪事、死人、殯儀館、棺材、燒紙錢、泥土 34 誘惑、女皇、罪犯、輪胎、天剛亮、小白兔、自身小便 、蟾蜍、青蛙、恐龍、飛龍、織毛衣、車站、捷運、驚醒、吵架、坦克、松鼠 35 花、生病、老女人、生小孩、二手市場、 金錢 、索牛 、佛 、同學三個、媳婦、自己死亡、大風 36 鋼琴、電影院、巴士、看書、大陸、美容師 、針筒 、樓梯 、三人疊在一起、龍捲風、洗衣服、上車、糾紛、電線走火、三個女生 37 布旗、竹竿、煙火、被搶、花園、皇宮 、豪華飯店 、律師、三個男人、熊、師傅、沙發、大胸部 38 船、樓房、劇院、貨車、豬、食品 、麵包、買披薩 39 廟公、試穿衣服、法律顧問、老師、油、草地、 醫者 、 大房子 、連撞2次車、机票、車子、空地、輪胎、撿樹葉、衣櫃、冰箱 40 迷路、書包、艷陽高照、象、小籠包、樹葉、冰箱、浴缸 41 食品、煉油桶、房子、行李、麵包、信件 、鐵軌、 吊車、 背靠背 、小朋友的習作 42 針筒、樓梯、美容師、理髮、考試、洗衣服、上車、糾紛、上大號、辦喪事、流鼻血 43 佛、金錢、市場、長笛、刀子、鳥、婚禮、媳婦、颳大風、森林、下大雨、紅色四腳褲、內衣、蟾蜍 44 拖鞋、利器、軍人、朋友、小偷、松鼠、財庫、陽台、手流血、綠色衣服 45 黑色服裝、黑女人、漁夫、大狗、山上、法庭、鳳凰鳥、蟲、大陸、蜈蚣 46 扣子、植物、陰雨綿綿、擦冰箱、馬 47 飾品、耳環、父母親、打棒球、一整車大魚、鱷魚、小白兔、壺、巴士、當選、榕樹、往生的爸爸 48 愛人、廚師、打球、游泳、生氣、已故親人、失火了、神將 49

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[新發佈] 2353

2022-11-12 05:32:55



號碼分析:01, 02, 06, 08, 17, 18, 27

[新發佈] 2350

2022-11-10 09:53:31

I was at home when i saw a bright light from underneath a cloud then suddenly i saw 3/4 moon coming out it was so magical it was as if it’s the end of the world but i still tried to capture it with my phone when some people were trying to run away

號碼分析:10, 12, 15, 24, 25, 30, 35

[新發佈] 2343

2022-11-09 09:29:29

I dreamed about pooping in a public toilet with cubicle. My poop was huge, soft and light brown. When I flushed the toilet, it overflowed to the floor. The girl right next to my cubicle pushed back my poop and I cleaned it. I was smelly afterwards.

號碼分析:01, 07, 14, 21, 23

[新發佈] 2338

2022-11-07 09:43:30

I dream I saw my dead grandmother in a big house,she call me upstairs,while going to her i saw a pool inside I ask my daughter why your baby sister at the edge of the pool,when I reach her she open a door with only one bed in the room with alot of gold jewelry cover the bed,my eyes focus on two same bracelet in the jewelry,my mom came inside,my grandmother take up a ring box open it,one big ring inside and gave it to my mom and then told me all the jewelries on the bed is mine

號碼分析:02, 07, 15, 16, 21, 26, 39, 40, 49

[新發佈] 2330

2022-11-04 07:05:11

So I dreamt myself in a gathering church like and was sitting next to this one lady busy telling her how my b.friend disappointed me in life so she asked me to go change what I was wearing and she gave me all yellow clothes to wear whilst we wer on that my phone rang I left that gathering attended the caller who ended up giving me a set of 50 ,20 and 10 us dollars 💵 so I woke up whilst counting the cash and confirming if it was enough .please interpret for me .

號碼分析:17, 19, 21, 27, 31, 36

[新發佈] 2329

Zidane Saidi
2022-11-04 06:51:19

I dreamy friends give me butter fish told me I must go to selling, then I take it to selling in hotel. I saw the 2 customers and he was in the meeting. I wait them until then finish. Then he comes to me to buy a fish. Before he buy my the fish I saw another fish down my back and a guy. I take it and I selling that fish. So please tell the lucky number of my dreams

號碼分析:02, 07, 08, 20, 27, 33

[新發佈] 2325

2022-11-02 06:32:00

Me and old friend walking on green grass then suddenly the road we had to cross was full of water covering our head but we managed to cross but the other side was like a slump we had to get a big car to drive so we can get to where we were going

號碼分析:07, 13, 15, 24, 25, 26, 30, 40

[新發佈] 2324

2022-11-01 17:50:59

I was walking and I saw a person struggling to breath by the side of the road.He was lying on his back with his heart protruding on his chest.Its like he was involved in an accident.He later died a few minutes later and it was all in my eyes.

號碼分析:08, 10, 12, 14, 27, 33

[新發佈] 2313

2022-10-31 08:00:44

I saw a black ball, but when i looked closer, I saw a curled snake. I realize, it started swallowing my cat. I called my cousin but my voice barely heard. WhenI told them that there's a snake, the took action. My cousin's husband tried to capture the snake. Once he captured it, it became a 3 snakes and the other snake bit him, the 3rd snake bit my nephew. In the end of my dream, they killed and cooked the 3 snakes.

號碼分析:03, 06, 13, 15, 32, 36

[新發佈] 2310

2022-10-29 18:11:38

I dreamt of a big white and black cobra on the floor of my grandma old house and a smaller black one trying to escape out the gate but my aunty shooed it inside and closed the gate, my uncle picked up the bigger cobra and put near my face but it doesn’t bite

號碼分析:01, 06, 07, 08, 11, 15, 25

[新發佈] 2302

2022-10-26 13:59:24

I saw my self holding the stake for a group of gamblers and I wasn’t declaring all that was won by them as I kept some for myself. After the game, I was walking home with my money and it fell from my pocket but I was able to gather them all

號碼分析:04, 07, 15, 33

[新發佈] 2298

Penuel Mhangane
2022-10-24 20:17:42

Dreamt of small babies entering in the dam that has derty water, some of the babies were rescued by a brown cow, when I want to help I became scared. Dreamt of a granny giving me a small stick and said she's giving me all power of being a chief, I'll control rain and she told me to chew the stick and swallow it which I did. I was then announced a chief to the family and community by the granny, after all that she called for rain and it only rained upon me not to other people

號碼分析:01, 21, 23, 42

[新發佈] 2289

2022-10-23 04:12:33

I saw my mother in her parents house washing clothes. I was searching for my formal wear to go to China with my friends. I specifically remember blue linen shirt and khaki trousers. The clothes were in a room which was locked and my mother had the key. When I found her she opened the door and we went in. For some reason she sent me to her brother’s room who lived in the same house. When I went to his room I saw huge cockroaches- they called them mountain cockroaches. I got scared and ran from there and came back to my mother. Unknowingly I carried a few cockroaches with me. I specifically remember 1 huge one. It was flying everywhere. My mother blamed me for getting them to her room and we had a fight. Then I woke up.

號碼分析:02, 04, 26, 28, 35

[新發佈] 2281

2022-10-22 06:23:48

I dream about my old school I saw principal and isaw the boy that I was attending classes with him said to me he thinks that I was death then I saw my self washing a toilet with blood and I flash it with clean water I lost my cellphone phone and I got it back then I see many people collection water in the tape I go to the staffroom I got people in the meeting but I was late

號碼分析:07, 08, 16, 22, 27, 28

[新發佈] 2279

2022-10-22 09:15:36


號碼分析:02, 08, 11, 19, 25, 31, 32

[新發佈] 2277

2022-10-21 13:02:11


號碼分析:02, 09, 13, 20, 26, 31

[新發佈] 2276

2022-10-21 07:09:43

I fix the motorcycle of my friend and his brother get my own helmet run with roller then he back with motorcycle. The go again and he came back another white motorcycle with his friend with my helmet and when they pass helmet change use for his friend.and a child with me play my fixing make it round and the child get it lose the round thin inside of this is a building toys.

號碼分析:08, 13, 15, 19, 20, 27, 28, 35

[新發佈] 2264

2022-10-17 06:09:20

I was going to town with my sister and my man so when we want to get inside the tax my man brake the door of the tax and then the tax driver go and take the gun they want to shoot my man so I funa away because I don't wanna to him shooting my man

號碼分析:07, 08, 10, 17, 28, 29, 32

[新發佈] 2261

2022-10-16 07:20:06

My husband dreamed he was working on a car that was propped up on a lift that raises the car up so he can work underneath it. He said there were people also sitting in that vehicle when all of a sudden the car took flight and began flying in the air but then it fell from the sky and crashed and burst into flames. He said that after the car crashed planes just started falling from the sky and crashing everywhere. Please interpret my husband's dream for me.

號碼分析:03, 14, 17, 27, 32

[新發佈] 2255

2022-10-12 09:59:47

I was in a classroom writing a test, my boyfriend was in the same class, when the teacher was collecting scripts, on my script there was nothing as if I was writing with a pen without an ink but when I was writing names in the script the pen started writing proper and I wrote my mother's name, my name and surname.

號碼分析:02, 09, 11, 16, 25, 36, 32, 37

[新發佈] 2254

2022-10-12 12:02:52

I am seeing wake ceremony with priest and beheading my deceased father but I am seeing a pork raw meat but in my thoughts it's my deceased father's head and gave it to my grandfather. There's a little blood with water stain in my hands. I saw dogs eating raw meats too

號碼分析:04, 09, 17, 22, 25, 34, 43
